Someone left this in my office today


Well-known member
Not sure if I should trust it…..

I can't believe people still eat doughnuts. I use to love glazed kruller sticks from dunkins. But whatever oil they use in them since I've cleaned myself up just absolutely kills me.
In my mid 30's I worked as a furniture mover. Around that time, I also started really feeling my age. The first thing that really took me by surprise was how much happier I was at work if I took my shit first thing in the morning. My brain works better after that. Makes me wonder how much wasted cranial RAM goes towards keeping track of turtlehead-related shit dangers
In my mid 30's I worked as a furniture mover. Around that time, I also started really feeling my age. The first thing that really took me by surprise was how much happier I was at work if I took my shit first thing in the morning. My brain works better after that. Makes me wonder how much wasted cranial RAM goes towards keeping track of turtlehead-related shit dangers

Fuck dude, when I was 18 my buddy convinced me to work with him as an apartment mover over the weekends. I already had a good job, but I just did it because he needed a partner, or else they wouldn't even issue any jobs to him (makes sense).

Gawwwwwd damn son, people only call the movers to move brutally heavy shit. It was a MF'er. Gave me hemorrhoids and shit :hys: