Recent content by 7 Dying Trees

  1. 7 Dying Trees

    Bodenhamer Bloody Murder

    First off, not a "what does one sound like" thread, but more of a curiousity. I basically came across a few axe fx patches that had as their selling point in the description that they were using a bodenheimer bloody murder. Now back in the day, I remember the dude making them, and as such, I...
  2. 7 Dying Trees

    Thinking of Diezel

    Now I've been thinking of getting a diezel for a while now, and I have pretty much got the funds together for one. I am looking at both the VH4, the Herbert and at the same time I am looking the the VHT Ultr Lead and a little bit at the ENGL SE. Now my current rig I really like, which is a mesa...