Recent content by headlessdeadguy

  1. headlessdeadguy

    Most overrated amp ever... pick 1!

    That’s the amp that ended Mailman Dan’s quest. At least that’s what he told me.
  2. headlessdeadguy

    Most overrated amp ever... pick 1!

    A few weeks ago I would have agreed with this 100%. Just got a Fireball 100 and it is a fantastic amp. Affordable, killer sounding, working man’s metal machine.
  3. headlessdeadguy

    Fusionbear amps?

    That would be him. He is a builder.
  4. headlessdeadguy

    Who the hell is Grace Bowels...or Bowers???

    I support your decision 💯. I never really liked the dude just enjoyed trying to decipher what the fu k he was talking about most times.
  5. headlessdeadguy

    Who the hell is Grace Bowels...or Bowers???

    I wasn’t insinuating that Wilfred was Dino. I just want Dino back. I enjoyed trying to figure out wtf he was rambling about.
  6. headlessdeadguy

    Who the hell is Grace Bowels...or Bowers???

  7. headlessdeadguy

    Asian bands that kick ass

    Early Carcass worship.
  8. headlessdeadguy

    WTT DAR FBM100h- for your Larry 962/PMM or other amps

    You sound like a stand up guy.
  9. headlessdeadguy

    WTT DAR FBM100h- for your Larry 962/PMM or other amps

    I know. I just wonder what one stands to gain by shitting on someone else's add.
  10. headlessdeadguy

    WTT DAR FBM100h- for your Larry 962/PMM or other amps

    One of our members has even taken to facebook to talk shit about this add. Ban him
  11. headlessdeadguy

    Looks like Duane Eddy died a couple days ago

    My wife’s brother was named after him. He’s 62. Their dad was a cool mf.