EQ Bands...


I'm just going to throw this out there...

I use the WOS and Live unit all the time - I can't hardly remember the last time I took a cabinet anywhere. When I use my Kemper Profiling Amp, I get better profiles with my heads running through the WOS plugin and capturing those than I do with my real cabs and mics (and I have quite a lot of high end gear at my disposal.)

So with that said, and 2 or 3 years of this under my belt, I'm going to ask for something if it's possible... I'd like at least a couple of more EQ bands on the graphic EQ. In particular, one at 3500 Hz as I find I'm constantly tweaking that with my higher gain sounds to remove a little fizz from the tone (admittedly I like my tones darker than many people.)

Going from 2K to 6K with no control in the middle makes that EQ all but useless to me most of the time, and it's a shame to always need an EQ to go along with the Live - with the WOS it's no big deal but with the live it's a hassle.

I'd also love to see something in the 220-250 Hz range for the low mid removal and then next would be at around 4500 Hz if I'm asking for 3 more bands.

Just put that in the suggestion box for a future enhancement...
Yes switching to a parametric or at least semi-param s in the pipe for quite some time, we will do it some day I promise. ^^
Yes please! I love this idea...

I assume that if this change happens in the future, that it will be part of the firmware upgrades? Meaning, it would appear in a software update for the CAB and the other units?