Compensated Out (Einstein) and Line6 Toneport


New member
I wonder if any of you have an experience connecting TP through Comp. out? I want to record some samples but it seems that connecting the amp that way is useless - there's no signal at all. :aww: I only get the signal when TP is connected through the loop.
Thanks for any advice.
Seems odd to me! Have you got the volume up on the diezel? If it's like the herbert's comp. out it's not for "silent recording", and the output amplitude is related to the master volume out. Just a thought...
Nope :( Master Volume doesn't do the trick. Maybe I'm doing something wrong :confused: Here's what I do: guitar straight to the amp, guitar cable connects compensated out with line input (TonePort), I set line as a source input and... nothing happens :( Any ideas?