Dan Gleesak
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    • Dan Gleesak
      Dan Gleesak reacted to MadAsAHatter's post in the thread Proof the Earth is round with Like Like.
      I meant that as that's what would happen according to the current accepted model/special relativity. We don't have the technology to...
    • Dan Gleesak
      Dan Gleesak reacted to Geo's post in the thread Weather Modification with Haha Haha.
      We know it' really going on because Briben said it definitely wasn't. The same guy that said the best way to prepare for a hurricane...
    • Dan Gleesak
      Dan Gleesak replied to the thread Weather Modification.
      • IMG_0230.gif
    • Dan Gleesak
      Dan Gleesak reacted to Geo's post in the thread Weather Modification with Haha Haha.
      That's why you are ignorant. Same retardedness when I said that CV19 was a bio weapon.
    • Dan Gleesak
      Dan Gleesak replied to the thread Weather Modification.
      I don’t even need to watch this to know it’s stupid
    • Dan Gleesak
      Dan Gleesak reacted to Thumbpicker's post in the thread Proof the Earth is round with Like Like.
      I think physicists think how we perceive time is sort of an illusion because really it's space-time and time is not really separable on...
    • Dan Gleesak
      Dan Gleesak replied to the thread Proof the Earth is round.
      But the same principles can also cause you to see things that are actually there
    • Dan Gleesak
      Dan Gleesak reacted to Floyd Eye's post in the thread Proof the Earth is round with Haha Haha.
      That’s what I equate it to. Daffy Duck lapping up sand that he thinks is water. 😊
    • Dan Gleesak
      Dan Gleesak replied to the thread Proof the Earth is round.
      A mirage is a scientific occurrence. You just choose to equate it with a looney toon seeing a desert oasis in the distance
    • Dan Gleesak
      Dan Gleesak reacted to Thumbpicker's post in the thread Proof the Earth is round with Like Like.
      Unfortunately, we know it's a sphere. Sticking your head in the sand like and Ostrich won't make it go away. Be happy the Bible doesn't...
    • Dan Gleesak
      Dan Gleesak replied to the thread Proof the Earth is round.
      Another way to look at it is how we see things that are far away. For example if we look at a star that is 100 light years away, we are...
    • Dan Gleesak
      Dan Gleesak reacted to Thumbpicker's post in the thread Proof the Earth is round with Like Like.
      I'm going to say it can't be manipulated because there is so much photographic evidence from so many sources including private...
    • Dan Gleesak
      Dan Gleesak reacted to MadAsAHatter's post in the thread Proof the Earth is round with Like Like.
      God created all these things knowing we would be curious so he gave us challenges to figure out.
    • Dan Gleesak
      Dan Gleesak reacted to Thumbpicker's post in the thread Proof the Earth is round with Like Like.
      Your body will only appear to age slower to an observer. To you time will pass normally.
    • Dan Gleesak
      Dan Gleesak reacted to Thumbpicker's post in the thread Proof the Earth is round with Like Like.
      That the Earth is round (spheroidal) isn't really science. it just is. It's not a theory that we need to prove with observable fact...
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