Recent content by gillrich

  1. G


    Going to Austria in a few weeks and going to try it out. First time i will be traveling with the train long distance and am very excited and a little worry about it. Going to reach here iner customer service and ask about some policies which i wasn't able to find online. do you have some tips...
  2. G

    Tinnitus Folks - Experiences & Solutions

    It's totally possible to adjust to tinnitus to the point where you dont even notice it. I'm going through a rough time with it right now but most days I dont even hear it. The trick is to just accept it and try to stay busy and not think about it! I am absolutely aware that soon or later i am...
  3. G


    once a month for me is enough, but not more than that
  4. G

    Cameron clip

    Wow! So strong
  5. G

    Lots of cookin'

    That looks awesome! I'm feeling really hungry right now
  6. G

    Did you know there is a pilot shortage?

    When will we have the first airplane driven by AI?
  7. G

    Tucker interview of Putin

    That was exactly my impression about the whole thing... The whole interview was just a blablabla and not more than that. This conversation made me donate my car to CarToDonate project actually, cause i can't stand when people are saying so much bullshit . Curious if there is someone who managed...
  8. G

    Online Dating..

    Why do you say that? She seems to be a very nice girl... I would love to find this lady on dejting stockholm; I just registered there and I'm already making some plans for the weekend. Has anyone had success finding true love through a dating app, perhaps? Any proper love stories