Recent content by Joshtruction

  1. Joshtruction

    My opinion on Krank, RT staff, and users here...

    So once upon a time an amp manufacturer that had a bad rep in the past decided they were going to become part of a different online community. I did not directly read the threads that started all the krank trend bashing a while back, but I have heard stories be told. Guess what, SHIT HAPPENS. It...
  2. Joshtruction

    ATTN ADA MP-1 users/fans

    After hearing some good things about them here, and hearing one damn good clip the other day I started doing some research this afternoon. These things seem pretty popular to mod thats for sure. In my constant quest to find things to tinker with (and this is definitly a tinker toy) I am trying...
  3. Joshtruction

    Pedals plus gigs plus setting up fast? What are you doing?!

    What are you guys doing to set up your pedals really really fast? I have played more than my fair share of shows where you got 10 minutes tops for the band before you to break down and for you to set up. Because of things like this I never liked too much of a complicated set up. If you have a...
  4. Joshtruction

    Another new gear day!!! Soloist, RG200es

    So there is my new to me Jackson soloist XL, and randall RG200es. I am yet to play the randall, but the soloist plays real nice. He said he had it set up, but it is set up like poo. Maybe he likes it that way. Vultures... Your power amp has another new home. I didn't want to let it go so soon...
  5. Joshtruction

    Pretty mad at an ebay seller...

    For an ampeg VH140c. It's 100% clean and I was pretty much ready to go balls to the walls on bidding and make sure I win the auction, but since I have less feedback than he wants, even after I sent him messages explaining my bad luck with ebay in the past, he will not sell. Instead of taking my...