Recent content by OdieRocks

  1. OdieRocks

    8 String and the Plexi SRT mod

    Gear Used: Blackmachine 8, Nuno Washburn, OLP Petrucci. 1971 JMP Marshall Super Lead. (Plexi SRT mod) Marshall 4x12, Celetion G12M 25w Greenbacks. uUHl6rD6pOs
  2. OdieRocks

    1973 JMP Marshall Super Lead HW PTP with my Plexi SRTmod

    Gear Used: Ibanez Jem (SH-4 bridge) OLP Petrucci (Tone Zone bridge) 1973 Marshall 100w Super Lead (Plexi SRTmod) Marshall 4x12 (Celestion G12M 25w greenbacks) What ya think? (yay or nay) Rzd8zmu7_F4