Recent content by Searay

  1. S

    'THE COUNT' compares Marshall 1959HW stock output transformer to Mercury Magnetics output transformer

    This is really good. The difference between them is similar to my observations. He does a good job explaining what they each sound like.
  2. S

    Ordering a JB with less output from Duncan Custom Shop

    I get it, but changing it is just no longer a JB though, right? How would it be capable of sounding the same?
  3. S

    Sometimes a JB just works

    I like them in Strat types. I don’t really use a tone control or neck pickup so the JB to me is the most versatile for me. I agree I give up some low end clarity, but it seems to put the right voltage into Marshall’s.
  4. S

    Duncan JB stock vs duncan Telegib Concept set?

    Rough cast magnet, MJ wind, higher dcr. I didn’t specify anything, just got what they made. I use the trembucker size.
  5. S

    Duncan JB stock vs duncan Telegib Concept set?

    But,..what about the question? I’ve got a CS JB and my personal preference in the two JB instruments I use is the stock JB. There are subtle differences but the quality of the stock JB is top notch.
  6. S

    EMG81: love/hate relationship

    EMG 81,…love them when I install one, dislike it by the time I remove them. Repeat…and again… Great, now I’m thinking about it again,…Even now, I long to put one back in
  7. S

    Favorite VH brown sound in a pedal solutions?

    Does a variac count as a pedal? Maybe push a little voltage with a clean boost if at the most. Anything more sounds like a pedal. I variac a ‘72 1959, but the Mojave sounds best to me at normal US current. I use a Rock Crusher.
  8. S

    Best plexi that's not a plexi

    The early metal panel 1959’s up to mid ‘73 to me are closer than most. I’m probably in the minority, but I like the Mojave Scorpion. It’s maybe a bit more stiff or controlled. Eq is a bit different.
  9. S

    As much as I enjoy 80’s hair metal in doses these days…

    I used mine and still prefer two big ones. Can’t perform with ‘em these days. The early quality of the double pedals was worrisome, plus they were just ever so slightly off. Also, if you rested your right beater on the drum, the left is off enough milliseconds to drive you nuts. I didn’t...
  10. S

    Fane speakers...whaddya think of them?

    Love the old Fanes in the Hiwatt cabs. Foolishly sold in years past.
  11. S

    JB trembucker vs B&B l500XL old question, new opinions?

    I’ve been very happy for years with my stock Duncan JB Trembuckers in my single Hb stratofloyds. Interest is a lot of Aldrich, Lynch, Jake stuff. I know suhr has the Aldrich (pricey) Duncan Demon,(no likey). I’ve had the l500xl before but just ordered another. Any new thoughts in comparison...
  12. S

    Duncan JB vs Suhr Aldrich vs Super Distortion for PRS SC250

    Just to confuse things, I like the plain old production line JB’s the best. Best value and crunch. I have a custom shop JB and it’s slightly darker, and perhaps a bit more crunch, but the stock unit should meet your needs.
  13. S

    How many amps have you owned? Do you keep a running list? Let’s see it!

    Fender Bassman 100 1961 Fender Princeton Peavey Backstage Plus Marshall JMP 2204 Marshall JMP 2204 Marshall JMP 2204 Marshall JMP 1959 Marshall JMP 1987 Marshall JMP 1959 Hiwatt DR504 Hiwatt DR103 Hiwatt DR103 Mojave Peacemaker Peavey 5150+ Marshall JMP 2204 Soldano HR 50 Mojave Scorpion Soldano...
  14. S

    15 pickups later…..

    Should have just tried the old original stock JB Trembucker. Cheap and just right. But glad you found a pickup even though it s$1500 too late.
  15. S

    I'm 57 and I've never owned a Tube Screamer!

    Never owned one? Then you are a cheap (and old) sob like many of us. Rather than paying 200 for a modded original, try the cheapo Joyo pedal for 35 bucks and it will get you close enough.