Recent content by Underground

  1. Underground

    Herbert + 8X10 Marshall Cab?

    I've been offered a classic Marshall 8X10(Greenbacks) cabinet, but I haven't heard it yet. Anyone played a gain monster like my Herbert through one of these? Any opinions? Thanks! It looks awesome, just not sure how it will sound......
  2. Underground

    Schmidt Effects Loop Serial/Parallel Question -solved-

    It sounded simple enough.... level control determines amount of loop signal mixed in with dry channel signal. Less than 100% for parallel, 100% for serial. The thing is, I get no signal from the dry path when 'loop' is selected. I can jumper the loop, put the mix at zero and the channel mutes...
  3. Underground

    Herbert Hum

    I've tried every possible combination of isolation tricks and my new(to me) Herbert continues to present considerably more 60Htz hum than any of my other amps. The output transformer mechanically produces quite a loud hum as well, but when I switch from standby mode even with nothing plugged in...
  4. Underground

    Herbert Updates?

    Having recently purchased Herbert #001/001, (and loving it) I'm inclined to ask if there have been any updates over the years that I should look for in this unit. Thanks for any help you can provide! David