Best picks

Some asshole got me addicted to tortex dunlop sharps. I love the 1.35 and 1.5
The problem is that they dull very fast and then are unusuable for extreme trem picking. So those of you that play metal, and that sellout band five finger death punch is not metal, can you recommend a good pick that last longer than an hour?
Easy answer is a) who's your favorite players in that genre? and b) what do they use?

Shawn lane used red Jazz IIIs for what that's worth.
For my money, best pick is the Dunlop Nylon Jazz III XL. More durable than the Ultex Sharp I used to use, which is more durable than the Tortex picks I used before that.

I think i have one of those. It is a good pick. It is just so small. I will see if I can find one and try it again.

I used standard size for decades. Switched over to jazz size about 10 years back and now
regular picks feel big and clumsy. I have much better control with the jazz size.


The size is somewhere between a standard pick and the Jazz III. The standard Jazz III's pointed end is perfect but the overall pick size feels just a bit too small to me. The Jazz III XL feels like the perfect middle ground.
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