What pedals for Ceriatone 2204 and 80's hair metal


Well-known member
I've got a Ceriatone 2204 on the way and curious what pedals I should be looking at to get 80's hair metal tones. It will have the buffered loop.
To be true to the sound of the time, chorus should be up front. A lot of them will do, the Boss stuff is classic, as is the MXR stuff (Analog/Black Label).

A simple digital delay would likely go for a quick fr00t rock slapback in the loop. Don't overthink it. They certainly didn't
Get an Intellifex or Gmajor 2 for that loop and be done with it. "Most" 80's sounds you can pull off live with those.
I'd go for the MXR Custom Badass OD. It's a better SD-1 with a mid/low mid bump switch, and more fine-tuning. I got mine for $60 mint. Trust me, you'll appreciate the added features.

If you're feeling real froggy, go for a Buxom Boost.
I actually stack the 2. MXR into the SD1. run the MXR as normal and the SD1 level at 11 o'clock, gain at 0, tone to taste. The SD1 almost acts as a second noise gate that doesn't suck tone.
I'd go for the MXR Custom Badass OD. It's a better SD-1 with a mid/low mid bump switch, and more fine-tuning. I got mine for $60 mint. Trust me, you'll appreciate the added features.

If you're feeling real froggy, go for a Buxom Boost.
What's froggy about the BB?
SD-1 all day long. If you REALLY want 80s get a parametric eq and put that before the SD-1. SPX 90 in the loop on the Symphonic patch for chorus. Delay or reverb maybe. Make it WET.
Spending 3x the price of an SD-1.
I LOVE my Buxxom Boost. It’s the only boost I’ve liked with my SLO because she’s so, so picky. Doesn’t color the sound at all. Gives you just way more of your tone and compresses in a nice way. Tight knob does just what it says.
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