Who are doing some of the best 80s hair mods to 1987x amps?


Well-known member
I've got a 1987x reissue from 05 and I dig it, but I'm curious who around is doing mods on these to get them up to what the guitar gods of the 80s were doing? I'm in the states and I don't mind doing mods myself if they're relatively simple. I've never really looked at mods pricing so I'm not even sure how much modding an amp with a pro costs, but I'm intrigued by the idea of not having to really ever get another amp again to get that hot Marshall flavor since I already have a nice Marshall.
I have a Hopkins Pandora 2203X and it is pretty sweet. Covers a ton of ground even with the single channel.
Legendary Tones Hot Mod and/ or some pedals. Then you don't ruin the amps fundamental tone, since you already like that.
I'd say David Hopkins has the most 80's and 90's sounding judging from his clips if you feel the need for a full on mod platform.

Redplated mods sound excellent I am sure he can get his mods to 80/90's as well but I don't know how available he is for mods though.

If you can solder then convert the 1987X to Master Volume 2204 amp and run a type of Boss SD-1 or Maxon Tubescreamer or Rat(NUNO tone) or pedal of your choice in front and there's your 80's tone with a medium to high output pickup.
What’s an example of an 80’s tone you like? Odds are there’s a yellow or green pedal boosting said tone which is hard to replicate with just amp mods. Also, if you think about it there weren’t a ton of mods offered back in the day. You had Jose, Lee Jackson, and not many others. Most of the Jose stuff is quite simple with many guides available (like headfirst) and the Lee Jackson stuff is available on YouTube in his instructional dvd. Not trying to shit on any of the great modders out there but you could get close to a Jose-esque tone with like 5 parts.
Like others have said, I would "mod" that amp with a power attenuator and an SD-1 or a TS-9 in front or if you are a single coils strat guy, an OD250.