USA-Institutional Corrections Facilities...another "Industrial Complex"?


What are your thoughts?

Does it exist as such? As the Industrial Military Complex? It's a stupid question to some I know. I'm being selfish to say asking obscure questions like this get some responses off the rails and sometimes you'll come across a diamond in the rough. That's been my humble experience. I find it calming in a twisted sort of way. And I always learn.......rarely do I not.

I've read very little about the corrections system as it threads it way through municipal, state, and federal government systems. I should and probably will. I'm curious about their financial infrastructure. It would seem like quite the profit center wide open and nurturing to graft and corruption. I also wonder how the current political climate has affected them financially at least.

I bet there's so much more to this than meets the eye.

Thanks for this place where you can ask these questions. I'm not intentionally trolling just asking an honest question.

Forgive me for my ignorance.