4x12 sound in 1x12 ?


I am a appartment player, and I don't have the space to have a 4x12 cab.
Can I hope to get a tone with a 1x12 similar to a 1960 cab with Greenbacks ? Of course, I don't expect to get the same results, as I also play at low volume.
I currently have an open back 1x12 with a G12M-25.
For more punch, I thought about a G12M-65 and keeping my open back cab (for more diffusion in the room). I've read that the Celestion G12M-65 was a high power Greenback with a bit more low et tighter.
I haven’t had a 4X12 for a few years now and while the Mojotone Canyon 1x12s I have won’t exactly replicate the sound of a 4X12 I would recommend that cab if you want a 1x12 cab that sounds huge for what it is. FWIW I play thru it fairly loud when I have the house to myself
If you can score one, the CAA 1x12 sounds very good. NOT 4x12 good, but big. I'd guess a bogner or Mesa Boogie Thiele may get you in that same ball park

Footprint wise, a 2x12 is about the same as 1x12, and will get you closer...
Closest thing I can think of is a Mesa Thiele cab with EVM-12L but it won't work that well at low volume anyway. Won't sound like Greenbacks either.
Agreed. I got two of them and while they seriously thump, they miss that 'woody' bark that a Greenback can give. It's a far cleaner, wider sounding speaker. But for sure, it's my go-to with EL84 lunch box amps like my Mark V:25 to give it some added thump.
I wish I could find the video again that had a good in room comparison of a mesa 112, 212, & 412 which demonstrated the differences. I'll post if I can find it again. The short answer as several have already said is no.
Rivera TAC/Bogner cube or another ported 1x12 will get closest save a real detuned 1x12, but those are the size of a 4x12.