Best way to block a PRS Trem?

Most stable block I've done on a PRS is wedging custom fitted wooden blocks on either side of the trem. When set up properly, you have 'parallel faces' between the block and body routes on both sides, so it blocks quite easily assuming you have the tools for the minor woodworking.
Most stable block I've done on a PRS is wedging custom fitted wooden blocks on either side of the trem. When set up properly, you have 'parallel faces' between the block and body routes on both sides, so it blocks quite easily assuming you have the tools for the minor woodworking.
I'll look into that!
I just decked my PRS’ trem. I cranked the spring screws until the bridge stayed planted even under heavy bending, and it’s worked for me for the past 25 years now since I first got the guitar.

Dang that’s a long time.
I just did wood behind the trem block, not in front, and it keeps still enough for me. Can do quick drop tunings, string bends etc and is quite stable.