Over 140,000 Farms Lost in 5 Years....Can you say Holomodor...........


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Between 2017 and 2022, the number of farms in the U.S. declined by 141,733 or 7%, according to USDA’s 2022 Census of Agriculture, released on Feb. 13. Acres operated by farm operations during the same timeframe declined by 20.1 million (2.2%), a loss equivalent to an area about the size of Maine. Only 1.88% of acres operated and 1% of farm operations were classified under a non-family corporate farm structure.

Farmers and ranchers currently face the highest production expenses on record, in addition to increasingly complex local, state and federal regulations and growing competition from lower-cost foreign markets. These dynamics shrink margins for producers and often more significantly impact farms in lower economic classes. Farms that are able often expand in size to capitalize on economies of scale, a concept rooted in the efficiency often gained as production increases. Larger farms can benefit from reduced per-unit costs due to bulk input purchasing, streamlined operations and enhanced bargaining power with suppliers. Mechanization and modern technology, which often come with substantial upfront costs, are more economically justifiable for larger operations, further boosting productivity. Unsurprisingly, the latest census data underscores that farms making such investments tend to fare better. Notably, farms in the $0 -$4,999 and $5,000 -$49,999 economic classes, constituting over 70% of total farms, often rely on alternative income sources. Those in the $0 - $4,999 economic class, especially, are more likely to be operations participating in agriculture for leisure or personal interest as opposed to income reliance. Declines in operations in these categories may be linked to the cost associated with supporting a side business that may no longer be sustainable but has limited impacts on total domestic food production.




I would assume that farms are much more efficient at using land now than in 1950.
There are way more people who are morbidly obese in this country than malnourished.
Because poor people that weigh 400 lbs have to buy 40 dollars worth of McDonalds every day because they can't spend 30 min a day cooking some rice and chicken. Or something. That's what libshits believe.
Our food regulations are horrible. That's something the europeans got right imo. It's criminal to be honest. The efficiency of our farming is pretty amazing...and has been for a long time. But anything the government gets involved in turns into a cluster. Look at the dairy industry. Caves full of metric tons of Reagan cheese. If you produce it the government guarantees purchase.
I would assume that farms are much more efficient at using land now than in 1950.
There are way more people who are morbidly obese in this country than malnourished.
Because poor people that weigh 400 lbs have to buy 40 dollars worth of McDonalds every day because they can't spend 30 min a day cooking some rice and chicken. Or something. That's what libshits believe.

Probably the greatest error this country ever made was for people to move out of the country, dumping the family farm, for city life. They got manufacturing jobs, which were great for a short while, until costs and regulations drove them elsewhere, leaving places like the rust belt, abandoned coal country, etc.

Small farms can be exceedingly self sufficient, and self sufficient people are hard to control. They don't need a lot of grid based stuff to get by. The food is high quality, not pumped full of toxic sprays, or grown from modded gmo seeds which are designed for things besides quality and nutrition.
UN playbook.....control the food, control the population. Bill Gates was the number one farm buyer I thought. Interesting isn't it?
That little kermit the frog asshole. Where's all the Lee Harvey Oswalds and John Wilkes Booths?
Billions of dollars, nothing to do, No hobbies, No interests. Just a piece of shit power hungry asshole. Ever notice these fucks live forever?
Broken diseased individual that does NOTHING for society.
I wonder what it's like going around thinking that 99% of the world population hates you. I wonder what that feels like.
I wonder what it's like going around thinking that 99% of the world population hates you. I wonder what that feels like.
I think they are too insulated to realize they are almost universally despised by the average person. Don't worry Bill, the Lord will hold the wicked accountable at judgment day at which time no money, personal connections, power, or influence will allow them to escape. All the weasels are in trouble on that day. That's why I don't worry about the stuff they are trying to pull, it's all written.

Psalm 24:1 A Psalm of David. The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.