Trying to accurately capture the Wizard MTL


Well-known member
Tried to do this a few times, and was never truly happy with what I captured with a mic. I think this is the best one I’ve done. Really tried to capture how big the amp actually sounds, but is still so aggressive. Did a stereo take and one guitar track doing some random riffs. For the stereo part I recommend turning your phone sideways (since I know you won’t actually listen on studio monitors and critique that way :ROFLMAO:). Also playing in Eb here… different from my usual c standard. Really liking it.

There is zero eq moves or “studio voodoo”.

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I’ll add that I think this is a great example of what double tracks vs mono does to a sound. I think sometimes we’re displeased with mono tracks because of it being with 1 mic and sounding so narrow. Whereas two tracks in stereo makes you feel like you’re more so in the room with it. Also why some guys really like phone clips because it has a stereo image when recorded.
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Double tracking really changes everything, yeah.

Going from listening to the cab in the room to micing and listening through monitors can put you in two different universes tonally, and double tracking is just as far removed from single tracking as single tracking is to amp in the room. And even then, putting single or double tracks in a mix changes them even further.

It's really something to hear how different all the frequencies and nuances come out of your tone and playing from listening to them in all those different scenarios.
Guys can we please stop it with the insane Wizard clips? Another smoking sounding amp. Just raw and aggressive but somehow smooth and creamy at the same time. First edge of breakup video I hear is gonna hose me for like five years worth of gear expenditures when I find a combo plus it's gonna get me into deep shit with my local blues police. My wife is on board now that she heard it but I just told her she needs to find a better paying job. Not sure she appreciated that, haha..
Guys can we please stop it with the insane Wizard clips? Another smoking sounding amp. Just raw and aggressive but somehow smooth and creamy at the same time. First edge of breakup video I hear is gonna hose me for like five years worth of gear expenditures when I find a combo plus it's gonna get me into deep shit with my local blues police. My wife is on board now that she heard it but I just told her she needs to find a better paying job. Not sure she appreciated that, haha..
Just do what I do and start gambling
Just do what I do and start gambling
I like to play Texas Hold 'Em but I am not a smart man who can count cards and be competitive against others. I am also a poor liar so a career in gambling was never in the cards for me. I enjoy the sound of your amp. A nice piece of musical gear can bring great joy so I hope you get that joy each time you plug in. If you do this I too will share in your pleasure, even if I can never afford a Wizard. Be well Bram.
I like to play Texas Hold 'Em but I am not a smart man who can count cards and be competitive against others. I am also a poor liar so a career in gambling was never in the cards for me. I enjoy the sound of your amp. A nice piece of musical gear can bring great joy so I hope you get that joy each time you plug in. If you do this I too will share in your pleasure, even if I can never afford a Wizard. Be well Bram.
You too man! The gear and playing definitely takes me away a bit. Good stuff!