Anyone get a lot of spam?


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I work for a lawyer that does spam cases. Misleading spam became illegal quite a while ago. But, some big companies still send out spam that is very misleading. Anti virus companies send out spam saying that you have a few viruses and must act now. Or they will say your antivirus is expired even if you have never had their antivirus. They use all types of shady techniques that cause people to panic purchase their products. Or they will say an identity thief is monitoring you. Others are credit type companies saying your credit is under threat. There are numerous companies who use these techniques.

Anyhow, we get cash for people for their spam. I’ve done it for friends and even done it for fellow rigtalkers. Of course, it depends on the type of spam you receive and if it is misleading .Some people have hundreds of these from many of these companies. Some people have none at all. Reach out if you would like to know more.

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Thanks Mike,

Yeah, it is a big problem. More for my parents than myself. I grew up in big tech basically and have some cybersecurity background. What's worse than spam is the bad actors that can essentially create an email or text that looks exactly like the real deal and you can get conned. I tell the parents, do not click on a link unless you are 100% sure. If not, call your bank and ask if they are sending out such communication or call or google Southwest Airlines to ask if there promo is real. For example. :yes:
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wish you handled other shit besides spam. I have had nightmares with medical misbilling. Sad part is and I don't know how it's legal-but I have had judgements placed against me with no notice of court or legal action. I was sued once and it was not even me...over them misbilling. Sued once again except this time I got pissed and fought them in court myself. Shredded their lawyer and was complemented by the magistrate on my case. She said that I presented the best packet that she had ever seen as a magistrate.
I think email spam should be a federal offense. If it were up to me personal, it would be capital punishment. I'm tired of it. Mail and Email. I wish I could box up all the shit I get from the USPS and drop it off on their front step. As for the email, I'm at the point of deleting my email account and starting over. I had this one account for business only and somehow the fucks got me.

I've been in IT since 1996 and I've never used Anti-Virus. My father in law has every security BS software crap on his computer and every computer he owns runs like shit. As for MacFee, I hope that asshole is dead. I get more spam for that shit than anything.
I was getting up to 150 spam phone calls every day for a while. I think I pissed them off so badly they quit trying.
My wife got suckered into one of those "undeliverable package" scams and gave them every bit of info she has. She should have known better. I thought I trained her better.
I usually buy 1 can per week.

Slice it into strips and fry it in coconut oil with scrambled eggs, and it's really not bad !

I've been in IT since 1996 and I've never used Anti-Virus. My father in law has every security BS software crap on his computer and every computer he owns runs like shit. As for MacFee, I hope that asshole is dead. I get more spam for that shit than anything.
We are pretty happy and set with Norton. I would say you need something, but pick only 1. Don't rely on Microsoft or Apple to protect you. If you have too many firewalls in place (like it sounds like your dad had), you can actually create more problems because there is no central authority to apply and enforce policies. Therefore, I recommend to people to select a reputable one that then offers a suite of other bolt-ons, like email protection or anti-virus, or firewall, etc.

PC and Network security must be viewed and implemented in a multifaceted way to mitigate all risks, but sometimes having too many traffic cops making decisions can really mess things up.
I had Spam for lunch today.

I like regular Spam but I buy this by the case regularly:

SPAM® Tocino | SPAM® Varieties
About 40 emails a day in the junk folder.
I had to look because I don't go in there much, but it looks like I get 10 to 20 junk emails a day. I get maybe 2 phone or spam texts per day.

Funny story: My wife reviews every email she gets and then either files it or deletes it. She has this thing were she can't handle emails being in her Inbox left 'unattended to'. That would drive me nuts. I'm the opposite. Email to me is like a stream of consciousness. It just flows through. I may save, or delete, or block, or unsubscribe to something every now and then but otherwise, it just sits there.
Thanks Mike,

Yeah, it is a big problem. More for my parents than myself. I grew up in big tech basically and have some cybersecurity background. What's worse than spam is the bad actors that can essentially create an email or text that looks exactly like the real deal and you can get conned. I tell the parents, do not click on a link unless you are 100% sure. If not, call your bank and ask if they are sending out such communication or call or google Southwest Airlines to ask if there promo is real. For example. :yes:
Yes, one of their main targets are seniors. They see their credit is about to be ruined, that they worked hard for their entire lives, their computer is about to be over run by viruses or an identity thief is about to ruin them. Many seniors panic in these situations and click on it. Sad people do this.
I think email spam should be a federal offense. If it were up to me personal, it would be capital punishment. I'm tired of it. Mail and Email. I wish I could box up all the shit I get from the USPS and drop it off on their front step. As for the email, I'm at the point of deleting my email account and starting over. I had this one account for business only and somehow the fucks got me.

I've been in IT since 1996 and I've never used Anti-Virus. My father in law has every security BS software crap on his computer and every computer he owns runs like shit. As for MacFee, I hope that asshole is dead. I get more spam for that shit than anything.
McAfee spam is one of the spams we go after. Their marketing affiliate spammers they use, send illegal misleading email spam.
I had to look because I don't go in there much, but it looks like I get 10 to 20 junk emails a day. I get maybe 2 phone or spam texts per day.

Funny story: My wife reviews every email she gets and then either files it or deletes it. She has this thing were she can't handle emails being in her Inbox left 'unattended to'. That would drive me nuts. I'm the opposite. Email to me is like a stream of consciousness. It just flows through. I may save, or delete, or block, or unsubscribe to something every now and then but otherwise, it just sits there.
See who they come from, let me know.
I think email spam should be a federal offense. If it were up to me personal, it would be capital punishment. I'm tired of it. Mail and Email. I wish I could box up all the shit I get from the USPS and drop it off on their front step. As for the email, I'm at the point of deleting my email account and starting over. I had this one account for business only and somehow the fucks got me.

I've been in IT since 1996 and I've never used Anti-Virus. My father in law has every security BS software crap on his computer and every computer he owns runs like shit. As for MacFee, I hope that asshole is dead. I get more spam for that shit than anything.
It became illegal in California around 2005 I believe.
See who they come from, let me know.
Mutual of omaha reverse
I had to look because I don't go in there much, but it looks like I get 10 to 20 junk emails a day. I get maybe 2 phone or spam texts per day.

Funny story: My wife reviews every email she gets and then either files it or deletes it. She has this thing were she can't handle emails being in her Inbox left 'unattended to'. That would drive me nuts. I'm the opposite. Email to me is like a stream of consciousness. It just flows through. I may save, or delete, or block, or unsubscribe to something every now and then but otherwise, it just sits there.
I delete them all daily.