Would you rock this new George Lynch Desert Eagle?


Well-known member
I love the specs.. 22 Fret, (SS Extra Jumbo), ebony board. The bridge pickup seems to be a mystery... ESP says it's a Duncan '78, specs on most sites say it a Distortion.. I can live with either.

It's got a WIDE Neck, which I also dig. Says it's an R3 nut, but listed at 45MM.

My only reservation is the finish.. Is it gaudy? I got a great deal on one, (a discount, plus I have $130 credit)... What say you?

I love the Kamis, I think they're the best bolt on guitar made. The neck width & profile (if they are true to the ESP spec) is fantastic.
I think it looks pretty good myself. I also dig the H/S config. I would be more into it if the graphic was around the whole body.
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