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  1. V

    Gibson SG backplate

    Hey, i've noticed that my 2000 SG is too shallow to mount an EMG boost into it, and that's something i'd really like to do at the same time i get new pickups. Anybody know if there are manufacturers that make a raised backplate to make the body cavity at least 1/4 inch deeper? thanks!!
  2. V

    Dorm amp?! Gotta downsize!

    I play a Mesa Dual Rec Roadster with the traditional 412 cab and obviously that is much too big for a dorm when i go to college next year. I'm gonna build the cab myself to save on costs, with a mesa-voiced v30 because i love that speaker to death. I just need something smaller, around 15-30...
  3. V

    Microphonic Pickups

    Quick question, my stock pickups went microphonic about a year back, and i got a semour duncan '59 and an SH-4 4 put in. Seems that my '59 just went microphonic overnight, is this possible?
  4. V

    Mesa Cabinets - C90 vs V30

    I have the Roadster Head and i'm currently playing through a POS Behringer cab. I've heard different things about the V30's and C90's, and i'm left with 3 choices. -All V30's -2 V30's and 2 C90's in an "X" pattern -All C90's All sealed back, 4x12 cabs. The big advantages about the V30's is...