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  1. C

    Friedman Vintage Plexi

    I think you mean at 3:14. All the videos I have heard of this amp at NAMM sound good! I think it's important to remember it's not just another Plexi but a sonic recreation of Dave's favourite Plexi.
  2. C

    Friedman Vintage Plexi

    Try this one... (highly attenuated -32dB!)
  3. C

    Friedman Vintage Plexi

    Yeah. He has a Plexi clone running at lower voltage called the '68 Brownout.... but it has no loop! ;-) (nor a MV)
  4. C

    Friedman Vintage Plexi

    The new Morris UK'68 has a loop because the Master Volume is pre-phase invertor. The amp is designed to sound like a cranked up browned out Plexi if that's what you're looking for.
  5. C

    Thread title change....issue resolved

    That's good. Take your time. Maybe the amp won't be right for your situation but spend weeks or months with it. It's also something you are unfamiliar with it... it's not a Katana. ;-) When regards to an attenuator on a "Marshall" that would refer to the one you had... the non-master styles...
  6. C

    Thread title change....issue resolved

    I saw your other thread about this amp so I know it’s the Morris XSIII model you purchased. You didn't purchase a lemon just because it arrived in the mail with a faulty pre-amp tube (after being shipped twice!). With regards to design and reliability it would be hard to find a better quality...
  7. C

    NAD: MORRIS PERPLEX'D JR 15 Class A single-ended EL34

    Has been 2 days but also was able to try this amp out before ordering so knew what to expect! Incredible feel and tone for Marshall style. What really sold me is the smooth taper of the master volume at bedroom volumes.... yet even cranked full out is easy on the ears but loud enough for band...