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  1. S

    Randall warhead 4x12 and 2x15 help

    Gday everyone, need a bit of help in correctly setting up the 2 cabs. I am using a Peavey xxx (killer amp by the way) and am needing some info on how to correctly plug into the 2 cabs. Other info such as ohmage settings would be nice to. The 4x12 has 2 inputs and a mono out in the middle of the...
  2. S

    Randall 4x12 and 2x15 warhead cabinets

    Has anyone owned or played through any of these cabs. And is there a proper way to hook up the cabs, as I cant see all the frequencys going through both cabs at the same time. (As in all the highs going through the 15s and the lows etc going through the 12s). Do you have to buy a crossover to...
  3. S

    Which amp for cannibal corpse (kill) and exodus (s.h.k.m)

    For that all out thick fat chunky sound, which amp and cabinet does anyone recommend to achieve that similar tone and thickness of the above mentioned. Please include any mods, pedals used etc. Cost does not matter. Could you also include clips if possible..... So far I am thinking of a Peavey...