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  1. billsbigego

    Guilty of 34 felonies

    What boggles my mind is that 3/4 of the population has no idea about this, or could care less.
  2. billsbigego

    Guilty of 34 felonies

    No liberal would ever listen to that. The guy speaks truth. I tried to get my father to listen to it, but he read ahead of time about Macgregor's political stance and wouldn't even entertain listening to him. That's the problem with liberals. I don't consider myself either, but when I hear...
  3. billsbigego

    Guilty of 34 felonies

    This is the only guy that knows WTF hes talking about
  4. billsbigego

    Guilty of 34 felonies

    LOL. Best forum on the internet.
  5. billsbigego

    Guilty of 34 felonies

    All you fucktards that support Biden are out of your fucking minds. Biden and his puppeteers are going to start WWIII. The Biden administration has quietly given Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia
  6. billsbigego

    Ratt: Invasion of Your Privacy - 1985

    Love Warren's guitar tone on that record, and he is, IMO one of the best lead guitar players, if not the best of the hair band genre.
  7. billsbigego

    Fixing shit. What do you hate the most?

    Never thought of using a walmart bag. I used one of those brown round natural sponges. Ripped it in half and a few smaller pieces for the corners. The key as you probably know is to constantly rotate the sponge so you don't get a repeated pattern. Shit takes forever, but I get into a zone when I...
  8. billsbigego

    Fixing shit. What do you hate the most?

    Haha, yeah it's a bit absurd. Wife - "why do you need so many boxes?" It was a rough go learning how to hook all this shit up, press one button and have everything work. You should see the wiring. I moved it from one room to another and it took 8 solid hours.
  9. billsbigego

    Inflation, or price-gouging??

    I only eat once a day, so one of those is a small appetizer. I'd need 3.
  10. billsbigego

    Fixing shit. What do you hate the most?

    I did my jam room with Sponge painting about a year ago. Everybody hates sponge painting now, but I still love it.
  11. billsbigego

    More than 80% of Americans believe elected officials don’t care what people like them think

    Sending money to Ukraine to fight Russia is a bad bad message. Do people realize how many warheads Russia has? Nobody in this fucking government is interested in peace talks. ZERO. So fuck all of them and fuck the US government. I spread the word to everyone I know. People need to wake up...
  12. billsbigego

    More than 80% of Americans believe elected officials don’t care what people like them think

    I've been saying this for years. Everyone looks at me like I have 2 heads. I tell them "keep voting suckers" and expect something different to happen. Then I get all the losers that say I'm the problem because I don't vote. I say, they're the problem. They are the ones contributing to...
  13. billsbigego

    Thieving Scumbags!!!!

    What's a tile set?
  14. billsbigego

    Sixth Covid Jab - I must be superman!

    My pop is 80 as I've mentioned before. He's the first in line for a new booster.
  15. billsbigego


    Yeah I never ventured much into Pfield. Mostly Lee. Too many unessential citizens in Pittsfield, which is why it turned into a shit hole.
  16. billsbigego

    Inflation, or price-gouging??

    All that matters as that the executive skum does well. That's why I don't golf. That's where these assholes hang out and I'd be best to be far away from them. I've been at several places that got bought out. All the execs fucking cash in and everyone else gets fucked. Executive Slime, is what I...
  17. billsbigego

    Inflation, or price-gouging??

    Well I stopped going out to eat on the weekend and stopped takeout altogether. Saved almost 2k in a little over a month. I never have a good meal outside my house, so I'm fucking done giving these assholes the high prices they charge. I get it, they're food is expensive, staff, etc..... I like...
  18. billsbigego

    Fixing shit. What do you hate the most?

    Yeah I've seen some up close photos of some of the work those HGTV flippers do. Would not pass my inspection as far as the finish work. They just make shit look good "from a distance" and most of the dummies buying the places don't know any better.
  19. billsbigego

    Fixing shit. What do you hate the most?

    Thanks hoss.
  20. billsbigego


    My dad had a place in Becket. Other than having to drive 30 minutes to a grocery store, I loved it.