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  1. Bam_Walton

    To BOOST or not to BOOST? PRS Archon 50

    Great video as usual ! IMO depends on the genre, the player, and the amp.
  2. Bam_Walton

    Peavey Ultra Plus + VHT 412 a blast from the past!

    Great amps! I haven’t seen one in the wild in a while, but had one for 450 ish today
  3. Bam_Walton

    NCD - Orange PPC212 Cabs....Meh

    I’ve always dug the 412, but haven’t tried a 212 yet. Bummer
  4. Bam_Walton

    Stoner\Doom\Sludge amps that can do the Meshuggah thing.

    a lot of times it’s the boost , but some amps work better in that genre . Paired with a gate or noise suppressor you’ll get close with a lot of amps Not really known for it, but a 5150 cab do doom well. Orange TH Orange Dual Dark Sunn Model T reissue
  5. Bam_Walton

    Echoplex Preamp Pedals

    Not exactly an echoplex , but has that sound Strymon Deco
  6. Bam_Walton

    new vid, plexi and 6505mh tones

    Great tones + epic green screen music video = AWESOME! The Song has a great mix as well, man!
  7. Bam_Walton

    Does this exist? Rhythm & Bass backing device/software

    I’d echo what everyone else is saying as far the Toon Track products go. Not my favorite drum sounds, but they aren’t bad by any means….just not for me If you are looking to do covers, you could also look at downloading a tab and actually using the midi with those programs to create a a great...
  8. Bam_Walton

    Mesa Boogie Roadking Metal

    Great tone! That mesa sounds amazing paired with those cabs ! I’d love to get my hand on VHT/Fryette cab someday!
  9. Bam_Walton

    Fryette Pittbull Ul cab options?

    Thanks for the reply! I’m currently running mine into an emperor 212 with Weber 1260s and it’s sounds good, I’m just ready to get a 412 again. I’ve heard they sound best with the p50e or a fane, but someone has an orange ppc with Celestions pretty cheap so that maybe an option also. I’ll check...
  10. Bam_Walton

    Fryette Pittbull Ul cab options?

    Just picked up an awesome Ultra Lead from a forum member , and have been in the hunt for a Fryette/Vht Fatbottom. Unfortunately , locally these aren’t exactly easy to find and not much luck finding one online that anyone is willing to ship I can grab a new one with the p50e’s for around 1300...
  11. Bam_Walton


    Can you pm me some more information please
  12. Bam_Walton


  13. Bam_Walton


    Still available?
  14. Bam_Walton


    Interested in purchasing a Fryette/VHT Pittbull CL/CLX or Ultra Lead ! I have the cash but potentially would trade a Sunn Model T reissue , if someone is looking for one PayPal transaction. PM