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    Cool new pedal from...Boss? The FB-2

    check this out -it has my interest. Boss FB-2 ... uctId=1181 FB-2: Feedbacker/Booster The New-Breed Booster with a Bonus Features The unique FB-2 Feedbacker/Booster packs a world of expressive, versatile boost into a single stompbox. Seamlessly morph...
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    4x12 choice = used 5150 or used jCM800 1960A

    Hello all - while I have been at this rock and roll thing for 25 years, I have yet to own a 4x12 cab - I have always gone the 2x12 route. However, now is the time to get a 4x12 and I have two choices. Used 5150 cab in the mid $200's used JCM 800 1960A in the mid $300's. I do not want to go on...
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    THD Hotplate Question

    Hello THD hotplate users, I am looking for cranked tube sounds at medium volumes. I will be using a Mesa 50/50 power amp. Can I run channel a speaker out of the power amp into the hotplate, set the hotplate for load, run the line out of the hotplate into the input of channel b of said power...
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    Which would you sell?

    I am not playing in a band anytime in the near future and want to sell one amp. Considering selling either Marshall 6100LM 30th anniversary head - 5881/6L6 version or Splawn Modded 100w Marshall Plexi reissue - EL34 equipped I am thinking ditch the 6100 as I could always buy one later, while...
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    Any 30-100 watt amps out there that have just a volume knob?

    Old boy ASSFACE is looking for something to turn on, plug in, and turn up. You read it right - no treble knob, no bass knob, no gain knob, Reverb? - hell no. JUST A VOLUME KNOB! 30-100 watts preferred. None of these crappy little 5 watt bullshit epi amps with one tube.
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    The Smithereens appreciation thread

    Rics, Marshalls, ampegs. The first thing in their signal path was a tube. Nuff said.
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    Fulltone OCD vs Fulltone Distortion Pro

    Hello I already have the Distortion pro. How does the OCD stack up as far as sounding different? I am trying to avoid having two pedals that nail the same sound. Thanks Assface
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    any love for the BOSS HM-2 Heavy Metal??

    I just picked up a MIJ Boss HM-2 Heavy Metal pedal. BY itself into a clean amp, its good. Used as a boost into my JCM 800 and Plexi and holy crap!! Even had my Mesa rack rig in pain!! Best $50 i've spent in a while. That is all, cool story bro, Assface
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    any love for David Torn around here?

    This guy takes looping to another place. Currently listening to Polytown and its out there, beyond.
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    Feeling uninspired in music stores

    Hello all. I am trying to break out of a rut. Lately I walk in to all my favorite and unfavorite music stores and look around, and I am gone in a minute. Nothing inspires me lately. Not any guitars, no new amps, no effects, not even any cool used gear,no accessories. I have been to my local...