A certain someone supposedly has a new shop in Cali and looks to be building amps again.....




Too much compression and smearing in the low end for me. It would be a hoot to play for 5 minutes and then I would really miss the definition and stringiness in the low strings of a regular 6 knob Marshall by itself or with a simple boost. Would still love to try one in person and tweak away but as they’re usually presented in clips, I don’t care for them.
Same for me. That is not a tone I crave. I used to think I wanted it but once I got it I realized it’s just not for me.
Ya know we could could collectively just block mc threads out of respect for those who straight up got robbed instead of bringing him up year after year.
at this point it's theft. Is legal action an option?
You’re probably going to spend more on a lawyer than the amp is worth. Better money spent would be traveling to where he is and taking care of it yourself. Why would you have waited 7 years anyway? Seems like you should’ve taken action several years ago or just forget about the whole thing.
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You’re probably spend more on a lawyer than the amp is worth. Better money spent would be traveling to where he is and taking care of it yourself. Why would you have waited 7 years anyway? Seems like you should’ve taken action several years ago or just forget about the whole thing.
i prefer your methodology lol
at this point it's theft. Is legal action an option?

I never understood why more wasn’t done to get people’s amps back, be it legal or otherwise?? Mark can be found, one guy here somewhat recently said he went to get his amp wherever mark is and it was marshalls floor to ceiling. I don’t remember reading of anyone talking to the feds or filing any kind of report or at least trying to get the situation resolved?