All the mids in a Mix - Metal [Clip added]

I dont know what amp this video is showing but if that is what a helios sounds like i need to check one out! Always enjoy your brutsl vids!
I don't know if it's the way you play, but your palm-mutes have always got this kinda metallic bouncy feel to them. Hard to describe. You always sound like you, which I guess is a good thing.

That being said, I didn't like the character of the mids as much compared to your other clips. Your other clips sound more aggresive. This just sounds kinda stuffy and tame by comparison.

Just my thoughts.
I dont know what amp this video is showing but if that is what a helios sounds like i need to check one out! Always enjoy your brutsl vids!
It's showing my 2203. The Helios Eclipse is a good amp. I hated the cheap transformer sheet metal covers though. They bent like crazy.
I don't know if it's the way you play, but your palm-mutes have always got this kinda metallic bouncy feel to them. Hard to describe. You always sound like you, which I guess is a good thing.

That being said, I didn't like the character of the mids as much compared to your other clips. Your other clips sound more aggresive. This just sounds kinda stuffy and tame by comparison.

Just my thoughts.
I heard that about my palm mutes a few times already and i don't know what to think about that. :D
The Settings was: Pres:5, Bass:10, Mids:10, Treble:5, Volume: almost off :D , Gain:10.
Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it. ;)