Gary Moore/Red House

Where Gary has utterly failed by today's players perfectionate tone standards??
Before the video he didn't create a Thumbnail on
YT, followed by Gary sitting down in a gamers chair with the amp/guitars he's pushing
while his pedal board is inverted on the top of his amp for clarifications.
With todays players they choose the YT'bies.
It's f'n unfortunate man.
Guess what?
They get the privilege to go on and perform
AFTER Gary Moore with their Manhattan skyscraper selection of gear...CRICKETS.

Yep, there's Gary..with a strat, whatever Marshall..
The legendary strat video!

Maybe not a popular opinion, but I'll take him with a Strat over SRV.

Marshall 2K-DSL. Rumor was his DSL's were modded by Marshall Bletchley UK.

He talked about his DSLs on old magazine interviews. They were bone stock and he used the green crunch channel and double boosted it with a Digitech Bad Monkey and a TS9 (or sometimes a HBE Big D in place of the TS).
Here's his pedalboard for around that era


I have these pedals and amp and the tone is there but it's a tone that can run away from you easily if you don't know what you're doing. Gary used to throw his whole body and soul into his playing, which is ultimately his biggest tone "secret". He played with so much intensity. At that level, the gear only need to be good enough not to get in his way, his tone is all in his hands. My all-time favorite player. RIP.