I used to post on the forums back in the day, it was like the Wild West. I miss it, some of the videos I used to watch I can no longer find.
I shipped a guitar to a member there back in 2006 or so. He kept stalling my payment. Then wouldn’t answer my emails, phone calls. So I ratted him out to the forum. A guy said he knew him. Said he’s been playing my SG for 3 weeks! Said I’ll go over to his house tonight after work and get your money and kick his ass if necessary. Next day he posts a pic with my guitar, says…dude I got it from him, I’m mailing you a check today And I’m keeping it. 4 days later……money in hand.
This is vintage HC rolled up into one post.
Not too long ago I was doing some google searches and ended up on there and saw someone just roast this dude. Guy was such a dick but it made me laugh. Then I looked at the name. It was me, I was that dick roasting the dude ha.

I really do miss how it was back then. Seemed like everyone in one place and always so much to talk about.
Not too long ago I was doing some google searches and ended up on there and saw someone just roast this dude. Guy was such a dick but it made me laugh. Then I looked at the name. It was me, I was that dick roasting the dude ha.

I really do miss how it was back then. Seemed like everyone in one place and always so much to talk about.
This is vintage HC rolled up into one post.
Man, it was like a soap opera for guitarists and amp sluts! I remember staying up late, going to the bank the next day and coming home to catch up on all of the shenanigans and drama that went on that day. Pre-2002, give or take, it was a total free-for-all! It's hard to imagine that was over 20 years ago!