Mako MAK4 preamp/power amp


Well-known member
So like some of you here I ordered the Mako Preamp. :rock: Now I just have to wait :doh: I know he is coming out with a Power amp sometime and if his previous work is anything to go by it should be incredible in every aspect. From the little bits of info on the previous MAK4 threads it may be 6550 powered, 4 or 32 rack spaces :LOL: :LOL: and the rest is unknown.
For those that have one already, What are you powering it with? For those waiting for the Mako Power amp, What are you hoping for? I have a Peavey Classic 60 50 watt mono tube amp that I will use at first(6L6). I will try running it through my Splawn head too. I thought of picking up a Marshall 9005 power amp(i used to have one) also. I like the idea of being able to run different power tubes. EL34s, KT77, KT88s, 6550s and 6L6s. I would like to have a presence and resonance knobs too. Hell, I'd be cool with a 50 watt mono power amp with the features I mentioned. External bias pot would be nice too. So, what are you hoping for?
I want KT88 tubes myself, I'm a fan of them.

Other than that just Andrews normal magic that he uses. :thumbsup: :rock:
I've used my MAK4 through the power section of my UL (6550s) and through my Carvin T100 (5881s).
I prefer the Carvin. The MAK4 is already a really tight preamp, and I thought that running it through the ultra-tight power section of the UL made the combination too tight for my one-guitar hard rock band. In a 2-guitar metal band or on a recording mixed with other amps, it would be perfect.

I believe MHenson42 summed it up with "It makes my UltraLead feel like a Rectifier"

I like the MAK4 more through the T100. It's a bit looser, so it smooths out the razorblade response of the pre.
The T100 doesn't have a Deep/Resonance control, so it's a bit light on the low end, though.
I've added a parametric EQ to give the signal a slight boost at 100hz (where most Deep/Reso controls are voiced), and that really helps the combination come alive. The MAK4 is plenty bright, so I leave the Presence on the T100 completely off.

And FWIW, last night my bass player made a comment about how much more articulate the band mix was.
I like the Fryette 2/90/2 best with the Dorado channel and the 2/50/2 best with the Makoplex channel. I haven't really spent more than 5 minutes on the crunch or clean channels - so I don't really know (or care :LOL: :LOL: ) about those.