New 20th Shiva vid

  • Thread starter Thread starter John4021
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...anyone smarter than me to post the video?

I tried :confused:
I think the video does a less than stellar job at capturing a good high gain tone. It's much better than shown here. Reza's new video does a much better job.

nevusofota":15r7w4b2 said:
I think the video does a less than stellar job at capturing a good high gain tone.
That's how I remember my Shiva, I did not bond with that tone.
supersonic":17qa38l3 said:
nevusofota":17qa38l3 said:
I think the video does a less than stellar job at capturing a good high gain tone.
That's how I remember my Shiva, I did not bond with that tone.
What do you think of Reza's?
krueger":1vnybix4 said:
Great amp!

Krueger, you sent me a pm about my Goldfinger. For some reason , They won't let me reply because I'm new to the forum (WTF!). Send me a PM with your email or some other avenue to discuss. I may be selling the Goldfinger.
I'm not sure what year mine is (20thA Shiva) but it's the non-reverb, white bronco tolex unit I picked up off a dude who runs a studio down in the Van Nuys area of greater LA. I am sure I can find out relatively easily - but ever since getting it - switching it on - moving some preamp bottles around - and biasing it - it's been tits all the way. So no need to question it - or look for "new and improved". As MANY of you who've followed my posts will know, I'm not a huge gain freak when it comes to recording amps...sure, sure, it's great to have massive fuzz-factor and deafening incomprehensible gain when rocking Madison Square Basement, but in practical terms, it does nothing. I find the 20thA Shiva records amazingly well...through V30s, G12H30, and G12K100. I've yet to try it with my soon-to-be newly dialled Fryette D412 - I've got 2 - and the 2nd spare I'll be swapping to 2xGreenback top, 2xV30 bottom. Basically the same speaker set up as the Friedman cabs. I love Fryette cabs - as does Jame Iha, Page Hamilton, Billy Howerdel, etc - so we'll see where this speaker swap-out guess is it's gonna be gold. But the Shiva RECORDS really well - this is a mega plus. It cuts - mega plus. It has teeth - without too much gain - mega plus. Can get pissed - plus. Does cleans like no other Bogner (well, almost no other Bogner) - mega plus.

Shiva's a great amp.
20th Anniversary Shiva is the bomb.

But hey, enjoy the journey, it's the best part :yes: