I’ve watched Dr Peter McCullough quite a bit.
Started watching this one right now.
Very interesting. I like his approach, not just some anti vax loose cannon.
Thanks, Brother Ford👍
rogan = wannabe mma de-wormer pothead bullshit who talks to dolphins
Anybody stupid enough to believe his bullshit deserves what happens to them.
um where did rogan graduate medical school and how long has he been a practicing MD ?
He's a podcast pundit he has to fill hours of airtime.
rogan = wannabe mma de-wormer pothead bullshit who talks to dolphins
Anybody stupid enough to believe his bullshit deserves what happens to them.
um where did rogan graduate medical school and how long has he been a practicing MD ?
He's a podcast pundit he has to fill hours of airtime.
Charvel “Shitstain” Dan, has nothing to fill…
Did you watch it? Rogan isn't giving any opinion, rather he asks questions of a highly respected Dr.

Highly respected doctors don't use celebrity pod-casts to get their messages out.

At some point the anti-vaxxers should just give it up.
With each passing week you're preaching to a smaller and smaller choir.

This is impressive!


Even our neighbors to The Great White North have gotten with the program.

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Fantastic Listen, everyone should hear this,EVERYONE! No matter which side of the fence you find yourself sitting…
Real, true information, scientific studies, not just some BS google/MSM crap being force-fed to the masses.

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Did you watch it, or are you just another idiot that comments out of his ass? JR reaches over 11 million watches per pod cast. 11 fucking million. ABC news primetime, the #1 watched national news, pulls in about 8 mil. So this "celeb" podcast is easily beating 100 year old media. Pull your head out of your ass and get with the times. Are Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard legitimate enough for you? Because they are previous guests.

Did you read what I said?


Spotify has 380 million users and he's a very popular guy.
I love him from News Radio, through his MMA work, and some of his stand-up is piss your pants funny.
(his routine on how the Kardashian women turned Bruce into a girl.... oh man!)

I just wouldn't rely on his podcasts for medical stuff. I also wouldn't use ABC either so I don't know where
that came from.

The beauty of Covid is it's global. How many C19 medical news sites have you visited from other countries?

Said this a million times before here. At this stage of the pandemic, a solid year in, there's irrefutable evidence
certified by medical agencies from Algeria to Zimbabwe that the vaccine is helping with the pandemic.
A lot.

So BASED ON THAT I'm not going to put to my stock in some dude on a Podcast this far into it.

You guys are well passed the broken record stage with this stupid crap.

And no need to be such a fucking jerk in your response.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.