Uber ultra MV switch


Well-known member
I was playing around with the footswitch and master volume. Every time I switch back and forth from MV1 to MV2 there is a very loud pop.

Would not be acceptable to use in a live situation. Just wondering if that is the norm or if something is wrong.
Manual sez;

"- Foot-Switchable MASTER VOLUMES, fx-loop must be engaged!"
Hmm, the amp is away for the night but I'll check it out more. I was playing with it today, 99% sure the FX loop was OFF, at least on the footswitch it was. Not sure if there's a way to engage it on the amp itself?

I kept going back and forth on the MV again with no pedals in the loop. It still popped but not as loud and not as often as before. Definitely odd.
The loud pop when switching between master volumes shouldn't be normal. It might be a sign of an issue with the amp or the footswitch. Here's what you can do:

  1. Check the manual: See if there's any mention of proper switching procedure for the master volumes.
  2. Contact the amp manufacturer: They can advise on troubleshooting steps or recommend a qualified repair technician.