Voltage rating for bright and fat cap mod on Marshall Vintage Modern

  • Thread starter Thread starter MadAsAHatter
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Well-known member
I'm getting the components together to do @burger improvement mods to my my Vintage Modern. I need to double check I'm getting the right voltage rating for the bright and fat caps. What I currently have picked out is:
1000V for the 4700pf bright cap
63V for the 22uf fat cap

Will these work fine? Too high? Too low?
Also, just to double check. I'm good to stick with the same voltage ratings listed on the schematic for the other caps being swapped?

Here's schematic screenshots from his video for reference. Top is bright cap & bottom is fat cap.

1000V is more than fine for the bright cap. In regards to the fat cap, I think you want 630V for safety. You can also email Jason at his evolveDIY email and ask him directly to double check.
Neither one of those locations have high voltage. 25V is good for the 22uF. But 50V might be better. Anything will work for the bright cap but that 1000V is probably good quality. You should buy a few values and types and try them out.
I use 1kv for bright caps and 63v are perfect for cathode bypasses. You’re good to go.

Use 630v for coupling caps (the .0022 in your schematic).
Thanks for the help everyone.
I'm not going to do anything just yet, but wanted to get the components and have them on hand if/when I do the mod. I've been enjoying the VM as is and want to sit on it as stock for a while longer before I fully commit to doing any mods.