What value tone cap for EMG pickups?


Active member
So I have older non-quick connect EMG's in my Charvel Model 5FX, an 81 humbucker in the bridge and I believe an SA single coil in the slant neck position.

Years ago the guy I had set the Charvel up for Drop B tuning, they put an Orange Drop .047mf cap in it, I'm pretty sure that's the value cap he put in it and at that time, since then last year the guitar was setup again for standard E tuning and the EMG-85 that was in the bridge was swapped out and the 81 put back in and the 80's black original Floyd Rose was swapped out and the gold 90's Original Floyd Rose that was on the guitar when I got it years ago was put back in.

Any of you EMG pickups users, what value tone cap do you have running with your EMG's?