Any reason to keep your Mini Dirty Shirley or Pink Taco now?


Many of you love most all the Friedman amp models, I mean if you like one you like them all pretty much. If you’ve owned a few since 2011, you probably have experienced the the old amp model left behind syndrome one has when new and more featured models come out at the same price, of new amp model updates and changes.

So the Dirty Shirley Mini & Pink Taco I guess are the original low powered 20 watt Friedman Minis, sounds great, but you can get MUCH MORE AMP NOW FOR $1500 right?

Sell the old Friedman 20 watter and get a JJ Jr or a Runt maybe?
my 2014ish Pink Taco destroys the Runt. Not even close. A much better sounding amp.

Cant wait to try a JJ Jr. next week.