MTL Effects loop for 4cm?


Active member
Wizard n00b here.

I use an Axe-FX III in 4 cable method because I use a lot of effects. Can the loop on the MTL (or MCII) handle 4cm? I’m looking at getting a new Mark II MTL. My Diezel VH4 hums a lot in 4cm.

And I've tried to find the info but I can't seem to find it, how many channels is the MTL? 3 channels? How many channels is the MCII?

Think you might need to email Fractal to buy there "HumBuster cables"

I use the AXE F/X II XL + right into the loop of my Mesa JP 2C
without any issues.
Also into any of the Wizards I problem

MTL is 2 channels.

I used an FX8 4CM without issue in my wizards. Used an AXE III in the loop only - not 4CM - no issues.

Wizards are 2 channel amps with a shared EQ. Both channel have their own boost. The Rhythm channel on the MTL MK2 and more recent MC2s have 2 boosts. The second boost is not labeled on the amp but is a pull on the volume knob. You can use either boost or both at the same time.