Time for another amp giveaway! EVH 5150 III. 50 watt EL34 *EDIT RACEU4HER IS THE WINNER*

Mesa Mark IV rev B doing clip from title track of Master of Puppets.
I used a Metallica backing track somebody removed the guitars from. A couple of the "bams" at the beginning have Metallica's guitars in there (couldn't find a 100% guitar free track) but that's it.

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I wonder if playing the first couple of notes from Enter Sandman on an acoustic would be impressive enough to win me this amp ?
Recorded in 2003 lol. Mishmash of random Metallica riffs. Signal chain = Custom Explorer - DiMarzio Evolution bridge pup - Mesa MKIIC+ SimulClass w/Sylvania 6L6s - Diezel 4x12 w/8 ohm V30s - likely SM57 - custom API style mic preamp. Soundcloud stole some of my thick lower mids :(

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