What's the deal with Harry Joyce amps


Well-known member
All I know is the brand was relaunched around 2015, they're of the Hiwatt lineage, and are Wizard level expensive. I don't see any talk about them whatsoever. So what's up with them? Are they the real deal or just an overpriced boat anchor?

Not really looking for a Hiwatt style amp, just curious about the company and quality of amps. I've never seen any chatter about them. What makes them so special that they're wanting double what one could buy another quality Hiwatt clone. If I were and going to drop 5K on one I'd go vintage. Maybe I just answered my own question....
Still if anyone has info on them I'm still a little curious.
They used to advertise on the local Craigslist from time to time- guess they're based in Sarasota?
Their marketing seems interesting as they state, no one makes a better product than us. in regards to... the HIWATT thing. and they seem to have a bit of a presence on Reverb as well so, I thought they were legit but, I have reached out to them several times over the past few years to my disappointment. They never once picked up the phone when I called. I tried to order a 4x12 cab with their claim to fame speakers but, after 18 months of waiting... nothing. out of about 8 emails I've sent to them. I received 2 replies. I also requested one of their 200 watt bass head builds as well. they asked me to send money upfront with no build time, just.... we'll let you know when it's ready once we have received your payment. and we don't have a shipping quote. never did get a reply with a name of anyone at any time. just words. really made me feel like it was a scam. A very disconnected jenky experience at best. I have plenty of money to spend on gear these days. I have since bought 3 amps direct from HIWATT and a few of their cabs. and although they weren't the best experience to deal with. I did get my gear in a timely manner... and its really great. HI-TONE as well. They have had the best customer service to date... second to none really. and, extremely high build quality. I almost bought from REEVES but ended up making other choices. they did pick up the phone every time I called though. I still plan on getting one of their 400-watt heads at some point. so yea'.... Sadley, I say, I wouldn't recommend even trying to contact HARRY JOYCE USA for any reason.
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Their marketing seems interesting as they state, no one makes a better product than us. in regards to... the HIWATT thing. and they seem to have a bit of a presence on Reverb as well so, I thought they were legit but, I have reached out to them several times over the past few years to my disappointment. They never once picked up the phone when I called. I tried to order a 4x12 cab with their claim to fame speakers but, after 18 months of waiting... nothing. out of about 8 emails I've sent to them. I received 2 replies. I also requested one of their 200 watt bass head builds as well. they asked me to send money upfront with no build time, just.... we'll let you know when it's ready once we have received your payment. and we don't have a shipping quote. never did get a reply with a name of anyone at any time. just words. really made me feel like it was a scam. A very disconnected jenky experience at best. I have plenty of money to spend on gear these days. I have since bought 3 amps direct from HIWATT and a few of their cabs. and although they weren't the best experience to deal with. I did get my gear in a timely manner... and its really great. HI-TONE as well. They have had the best customer service to date... second to none really. and, extremely high build quality. I almost bought from REEVES but ended up making other choices. they did pick up the phone every time I called though. I still plan on getting one of their 400-watt heads at some point. so yea'.... Sadley I say, I wouldn't recommend even trying to contact HARRY JOYCE amps for any reason.
Hello, my name is Carlos and I work for Harry Joyce USA as an amp builder under George Scholz. I’m sorry to hear you had a bad customer experience. If there’s any questions you have, please feel free to reach out to me.

I came across this forum and I thought I’d chip in.

I believe the speakers you were referring to are the “Sugarcone” speakers which were discontinued around 2011/12. There are a few floating online for a lot of money, although it really is a great speaker.

As far as the 200 goes, I am in the process of building one now with a build in transformer based attenuator.

Again, please feel free to reach out to me for anything at all.

Thank you

Ps. I attached some photos of the build process. The one with the massive transformers is the 200W


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Hello, my name is Carlos and I work for Harry Joyce USA as an amp builder under George Scholz. I’m sorry to hear you had a bad customer experience. If there’s any questions you have, please feel free to reach out to me.

I came across this forum and I thought I’d chip in.

I believe the speakers you were referring to are the “Sugarcone” speakers which were discontinued around 2011/12. There are a few floating online for a lot of money, although it really is a great speaker.

As far as the 200 goes, I am in the process of building one now with a build in transformer based attenuator.

Again, please feel free to reach out to me for anything at all.

Thank you

Ps. I attached some photos of the build process. The one with the massive transformers is the 200W
Hi Carlos,

Thanks for checking in with some input. Your builds look really great, and the amps sounds great as well (as far as what can be found online anyway) wanted to give some feedback though. as someone who buys allot of amps (during these hard times) I'm grateful for your assertive input, I find it off putting though (as an amp collector & studio owner) that, an employee responds to my query on an online forum.... but their marketing people won't email me back directly or, pick up the phone? again, feels jenky for my money. I've spoken at length with some of my clients and the consensus is the same, stay clear of HARRY JOYCE USA they're NOT a good company to deal with in regard to new purchases! but, if you can find one used for a good price, it's worth looking at. also, makes me wonder what it would be like to send in an amp for repair *YIKES*

At any rate, because of my bad experiences with HARRY JOYCE USA, I've since bought more amps from Rawson sparfield and HI-TONE amps with no problems or fuss. and a REEVES 400 as well. and again, your builds look great, just wish your marketing people were putting effort into the people that actually want to buy them. I DO plan on picking one up when it pops up on the used market.
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Hi Carlos,

Thanks for checking in with some input. Your builds look really great, and the amps sounds great as well (as far as what can be found online anyway) wanted to give some feedback though. as someone who buys allot of amps (during these hard times) I'm grateful for your assertive input, I find it off putting though (as an amp collector & studio owner) that, an employee responds to my query on an online forum.... but their marketing people won't email me back directly or, pick up the phone? again, feels jenky for my money. I've spoken at length with some of my clients and the consensus is the same, stay clear of HARRY JOYCE amps. they're NOT a good company to deal with in regard to new purchases! but, if you can find one used for a good price, it's worth looking at. also, makes me wonder what it would be like to send in an amp for repair *YIKES*

At any rate, because of my bad experiences with HARRY JOYCE AMPS, I've since bought more amps from Rawson sparfield and HI-TONE amps with no problems or fuss. and a REEVES 400 as well. and again, your builds look great, just wish your marketing people were putting effort into the people that actually want to buy them. I DO plan on picking one up when it pops up on the used market.
Thanks for the input. Did you reach out to Harry Joyce USA or Harry Joyce in the UK?

HJ USA is a seperate company owned and operated by Kevin Wood and George Scholz. The company started as the US branch of HJ, but shortly after Harry fell ill and asked George to continue his work in the US.

HJ UK is a seperate entity owned by Jeff Lewis and Harry’s ex wife, but I’m not sure if they are still building amplifiers currently.

At any rate, if you have any questions about any of our amps feel free to reach out to me or a George Scholz (head of R&D who was a close friend of Harry for many years) personally and we’ll answer any questions you might have.

We rarely have any problems with our amps but if we do , the amps ship them to me and we fix them free of charge while under warranty.

We just released a reverb model that sounds pretty awesome.

Here’s my contact if you would like to get in touch for any questions at all, even if you have a question about a used amplifier: Info@harryjoyceusa.com
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How bizarre.
Someone just asked me earlier today if George Scholz was dead.
I was literally JUST sitting here reminiscing about George and that whole crew, when, and you can just imagine my surprise…I find someone has literally made a post about HARRY JOYCE, just YESTERDAY, after what seems like eons of nobody mentioning these guys…and wonder of wonders…it’s CARLOS aka Carlitosfreetos.
I think I will interject a little first hand knowledge about alll this as I figure, I was probably there for more of it than ANYONE on the planet having known George Scholz for close to 30 years at this point.
In the beginning…
There was, coming from a pre-David Hasselhoff, non Unified Germany, 80’s pre-even “Wind of Change” era Scorps, although whistle it if you must, you know you want to…George Scholz.
George was a long time disciple and friend of Harry Joyce. This part is really not up for debate. Harry was very old and George was a highly educated, EXTREMELY meticulous electronics engineer, they got on very well.
Then, Harry dies. Oh no.
Enter “businessman” Charles.
Charles decides that he wants to use the “Harry Joyce” name in the United States to have George build amps that George now has first hand knowledge of, due to his connection to Harry Joyce, who is now dead.
George also decides to design and manufacture “Scholz Sugarcone” speakers, which turn out to be very high quality, very expensive, and comparable to the EVs Dumble was using at the time. Good stuff.
Unfortunately, the original run of these speakers were made by ”some hillbillies in a Georgia factory” and “we can’t find them anymore.”
Subsequent runs of these speakers over the next few years were also excellent, but, not quite the same. Eventually the secondhand market became the place to find them but for my dollar, I’m prefer Alnico Creams or those Jensen Blackbirds, at this stage, but I digress. So, whilst Charles and George were making speakers, they were also making amps.
Someone contacted Charles looking for service on a HARRY JOYCE amp that neither Harry, or George had built!!
Charles, is a BUSINESSMAN!
Surely, when he acquired the rights to build amplifiers under the Harry Joyce name, he got the WORLDWIDE rights, and WORLDWIDE patent from the widow Joyce, right? No one would make a mistake like that would they?
Well, apparently, the widow Joyce, or the Joyce family sold the United States rights to Charles and George and the rights to the rest of the world to some other people.
Now you have two two companies selling the EXACT SAME THING, logo and all. Although opening them up side by side does reveal George’s wiring and attention to detail to be of a much higher standard than the UK built ones of the same vintage.
Occasionally youll see some shows where these were played out in the wild, notably, Rich Robinson, dudes from aerosmith, etc. having taken them on this tour or that. Those would have been ones built by George. I’ve never actually seen anyone randomly using the other HJ companies amps but…
This goes on…and on…and on for some years.
During this time George is fairly well known from say Central Florida on down to South Florida as an excellent amp repair guy and as the builder of the HJ amps and Sugarcone speakers. I’d say he was the go-to guy, IF you could reach him. Very difficult to get ahold of him then and if you didn’t actually know him he wasn’t usually inclined to answer the call.
A dude named Kevin buys Harry Joyce from Charles.
This sale gets covered by magazine but I forget which, maybe GW or Vintage Guitar or whatever. There’s some hoopla and some people on TGP are acting excited to ask questions about the upcoming revamped new line of HJ amps. Kevin makes a TGP account acknowledging new HJ amps are being made to peoples exacting demands, tells everyone to be on the lookout for these amazing new custom pieces that are going to set the guitar scene on fire, and then…
Nada. Nothing. For months.
Nobody came back to post anything in the thread other than the occasional “hey what happened to the HJ guy” or “Has anyone tried one of these new amps?”
Simultaneously, as the buzz from the amps (no pun intended) died down, there was a new listing of one for sale every few weeks in the TGP classifieds by the company, but still no dialogue in the the forums. This is likely why in 2023 no one is talking about them either way, amazing or horrible, giant paperweight or musical heirloom, Hiwatt killer or low grade clone etc etc. You don’t hear anything because when people cared about their comeback and were excited to ask about them, it was radio silence. So people of course, moved on to the next “new” thing.
Tea Time.
Now, as far as today goes.
I would unequivocally NOT send ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING to Harry Joyce, or look to George to do ANY work whatsoever on ANY piece of equipment, if I ever wanted to see it again.
I was the one who introduced Carlos, to George a number of years back.
At literally the FIRST OPPORTUNITY, Carlos stole from me and ripped me off, in a trade, that GEORGE told me was totally legit and that he had inspected Carlos’ equipment himself and that everything is on the up and up. Live and learn.
Georges niece.
Georges niece marries Carlos and gets to stay in the U.S.
Hooray? Who Cares?
Georges niece, from Germany, apparently followed George into the electronics and amplifier building world. It was my understanding, directly from George, that she was the #2 in her graduating class and had an electronics doctorate or something and that she would be building the amps, along with Carlos from there on out. Carlos, as far as I know does not have an electronics degree, but on That topic, I’ll digress, other than to say, that if you have purchased a Harry Joyce amp in the past few years, according to the last I heard directly from George on the subject, it would not have been built by him.
So, what are we left with besides this boring story?
Only my opinions, I guess.
I would NOT buy a Harry Joyce amp at this point, or from these people.
The people involved in the company, especially the guy, now posting on here as their Customer Service rep or whatever on here are either complete sleazebags or are so completely disconnected from the situation, that they appear to have no interest in it at all.
You will never get warranty work taken care of if you can’t even reach the company to place an order.
I have no idea how much involvement, if any, anyone who was previously working on these amps has in their day to day manufacture, so, if you are a Black Crowes fanboy and were looking for that particular sound off that particular album and you were under the impression That the same guy who did that was going to be doing the same thing with that same ear for you on your amp for that 8 grand price tag…I mean I’ve just got so many better things to stress over, but I do wish that entire group the best, from George on down. With the notable exception of that guy Carlos, who I can honestly say is a scammer and I wouldn’t give a dime too. If you want your money or your belongings stolen, let Carlos near it. Caveat Emptor/ Buyer Beware and all that.
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How bizarre.
Someone just asked me earlier today if George Scholz was dead.
I was literally JUST sitting here reminiscing about George and that whole crew, when, and you can just imagine my surprise…I find someone has literally made a post about HARRY JOYCE, just YESTERDAY, after what seems like eons of nobody mentioning these guys…and wonder of wonders…it’s CARLOS aka Carlitosfreetos.
I think I will interject a little first hand knowledge about alll this as I figure, I was probably there for more of it than ANYONE on the planet having known George Scholz for close to 30 years at this point.
In the beginning…
There was, coming from a pre-David Hasselhoff, non Unified Germany, 80’s pre-even “Wind of Change” era Scorps, although whistle it if you must, you know you want to…George Scholz.
George was a long time disciple and friend of Harry Joyce. This part is really not up for debate. Harry was very old and George was a highly educated, EXTREMELY meticulous electronics engineer, they got on very well.
Then, Harry dies. Oh no.
Enter “businessman” Charles.
Charles decides that he wants to use the “Harry Joyce” name in the United States to have George build amps that George now has first hand knowledge of, due to his connection to Harry Joyce, who is now dead.
George also decides to design and manufacture “Scholz Sugarcone” speakers, which turn out to be very high quality, very expensive, and comparable to the EVs Dumble was using at the time. Good stuff.
Unfortunately, the original run of these speakers were made by ”some hillbillies in a Georgia factory” and “we can’t find them anymore.”
Subsequent runs of these speakers over the next few years were also excellent, but, not quite the same. Eventually the secondhand market became the place to find them but for my dollar, I’m prefer Alnico Creams or those Jensen Blackbirds, at this stage, but I digress. So, whilst Charles and George were making speakers, they were also making amps.
Someone contacted Charles looking for service on a HARRY JOYCE amp that neither Harry, or George had built!!
Charles, is a BUSINESSMAN!
Surely, when he acquired the rights to build amplifiers under the Harry Joyce name, he got the WORLDWIDE rights, and WORLDWIDE patent from the widow Joyce, right? No one would make a mistake like that would they?
Well, apparently, the widow Joyce, or the Joyce family sold the United States rights to Charles and George and the rights to the rest of the world to some other people.
Now you have two two companies selling the EXACT SAME THING, logo and all. Although opening them up side by side does reveal George’s wiring and attention to detail to be of a much higher standard than the UK built ones of the same vintage.
Occasionally youll see some shows where these were played out in the wild, notably, Rich Robinson, dudes from aerosmith, etc. having taken them on this tour or that. Those would have been ones built by George. I’ve never actually seen anyone randomly using the other HJ companies amps but…
This goes on…and on…and on for some years.
During this time George is fairly well known from say Central Florida on down to South Florida as an excellent amp repair guy and as the builder of the HJ amps and Sugarcone speakers. I’d say he was the go-to guy, IF you could reach him. Very difficult to get ahold of him then and if you didn’t actually know him he wasn’t usually inclined to answer the call.
A dude named Kevin buys Harry Joyce from Charles.
This sale gets covered by magazine but I forget which, maybe GW or Vintage Guitar or whatever. There’s some hoopla and some people on TGP are acting excited to ask questions about the upcoming revamped new line of HJ amps. Kevin makes a TGP account acknowledging new HJ amps are being made to peoples exacting demands, tells everyone to be on the lookout for these amazing new custom pieces that are going to set the guitar scene on fire, and then…
Nada. Nothing. For months.
Nobody came back to post anything in the thread other than the occasional “hey what happened to the HJ guy” or “Has anyone tried one of these new amps?”
Simultaneously, as the buzz from the amps (no pun intended) died down, there was a new listing of one for sale every few weeks in the TGP classifieds by the company, but still no dialogue in the the forums. This is likely why in 2023 no one is talking about them either way, amazing or horrible, giant paperweight or musical heirloom, Hiwatt killer or low grade clone etc etc. You don’t hear anything because when people cared about their comeback and were excited to ask about them, it was radio silence. So people of course, moved on to the next “new” thing.
Tea Time.
Now, as far as today goes.
I would unequivocally NOT send ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING to Harry Joyce, or look to George to do ANY work whatsoever on ANY piece of equipment, if I ever wanted to see it again.
I was the one who introduced Carlos, to George a number of years back.
At literally the FIRST OPPORTUNITY, Carlos stole from me and ripped me off, in a trade, that GEORGE told me was totally legit and that he had inspected Carlos’ equipment himself and that everything is on the up and up. Live and learn.
Georges niece.
Georges niece marries Carlos and gets to stay in the U.S.
Hooray? Who Cares?
Georges niece, from Germany, apparently followed George into the electronics and amplifier building world. It was my understanding, directly from George, that she was the #2 in her graduating class and had an electronics doctorate or something and that she would be building the amps, along with Carlos from there on out. Carlos, as far as I know does not have an electronics degree, but on That topic, I’ll digress, other than to say, that if you have purchased a Harry Joyce amp in the past few years, according to the last I heard directly from George on the subject, it would not have been built by him.
So, what are we left with besides this boring story?
Only my opinions, I guess.
I would NOT buy a Harry Joyce amp at this point, or from these people.
The people involved in the company, especially the guy, now posting on here as their Customer Service rep or whatever on here are either complete sleazebags or are so completely disconnected from the situation, that they appear to have no interest in it at all.
You will never get warranty work taken care of if you can’t even reach the company to place an order.
I have no idea how much involvement, if any, anyone who was previously working on these amps has in their day to day manufacture, so, if you are a Black Crowes fanboy and were looking for that particular sound off that particular album and you were under the impression That the same guy who did that was going to be doing the same thing with that same ear for you on your amp for that 8 grand price tag…I mean I’ve just got so many better things to stress over, but I do wish that entire group the best, from George on down. With the notable exception of that guy Carlos, who I can honestly say is a scammer and I wouldn’t give a dime too. If you want your money or your belongings stolen, let Carlos near it. Caveat Emptor/ Buyer Beware and all that.
Thanks for sharing, I thought something wasnt right.
Hi Klauth

Kevin Wood here. I don't always go on forums, but it came to my attention that you mentioned you made several attempts to contact us and something about a deposit for a 200 watt build? First off, whoever you might have spoken too, it was not us or me. Secondly, we do not ask for deposits for builds and I personally return calls and emails within 24hrs or less. We only build to the highest standards, so we are not the cheapest on the market ( FYI we do not have a marketing dept) and not for everyone. We do not have issues with our customers and do not have any complaints or returns, so not sure who the "Consensus" is that we are a bad company. We go above and beyond for our valued customers and always will. I would be more than happy to speak with you personally.

Unfortunately, as with any forum, there are always a few jerks with nothing better to do with their lives, like Center negative (Name says it all ) Hi ALON ! then to say bad things about a company, their products and people. We are focused on building the very best amps and will continue to do so, 1 amp at a time.
Hi Klauth

Kevin Wood here. I don't always go on forums, but it came to my attention that you mentioned you made several attempts to contact us and something about a deposit for a 200 watt build? First off, whoever you might have spoken too, it was not us or me. Secondly, we do not ask for deposits for builds and I personally return calls and emails within 24hrs or less. We only build to the highest standards, so we are not the cheapest on the market ( FYI we do not have a marketing dept) and not for everyone. We do not have issues with our customers and do not have any complaints or returns, so not sure who the "Consensus" is that we are a bad company. We go above and beyond for our valued customers and always will. I would be more than happy to speak with you personally.

Unfortunately, as with any forum, there are always a few jerks with nothing better to do with their lives, like Center negative (Name says it all ) Hi ALON ! then to say bad things about a company, their products and people. We are focused on building the very best amps and will continue to do so, 1 amp at a time.
I personally have dealt with HJ, Kevin. Purchased a couple of 4x12 cabs, and received them timely. Good communication, always replied to my messages on IG quickly.
This thread has turned out rather odd. One person with a bad experience. A long winded story which has now been deleted from someone else about people from HJ being thieves. An 2 people from Harry Joyce chiming in to address said bad experience and story. With no real online presence, is Harry Joyce on the up and up? And can we take these new members at their word? I don't know what to think now.
This thread has turned out rather odd. One person with a bad experience. A long winded story which has now been deleted from someone else about people from HJ being thieves. An 2 people from Harry Joyce chiming in to address said bad experience and story. With no real online presence, is Harry Joyce on the up and up? And can we take these new members at their word? I don't know what to think now.
Nothing was “deleted.” I was “banned for spam” this morning for answering some of y’all’s direct questions that weren’t getting answered. I stand by EVERYTHING I said earlier. If you’ll notice, no one from HJ or anywhere else REFUTED anything I said. It was 100% truthful. Not to pile on but I think you’d find that George Scholz is also “not an owner” of this incarnation of Harry Joyce, either. In an effort to not get banned a second time, or if I do, whatever, I’m keeping my personal opinions from this post. Also, whatever was said about single-file TGP etc, I haven’t been a user, or posted on there in YEARS, since like “Haunting Mids” was still poppin. In any event, just to be certain, this isn’t “spam” yesterdays post wasn’t “spam” and I hope I was able to answer as much as possible. For what it’s worth, I would ABSOLUTELY take a 2000’s-ish era HJ amp over ANY competitor Reeves, Hi-Tone etc from then or now if you are looking for a clean platform from which to build your sound from. Just a heads-up If I or this post disappear again it’s not going to be because I deleted myself or this post.
This has truly become the "Two Spiderman Pointing At Each Other" meme thread. Is it a coincidence that two parties converge at once place nearly at the same time? Methinks not. I do not feel as though Rig Talk wants any part of your obviously lengthy dispute. Find a middle ground or mediator in cases like this; rarely does public opinion paint the picture of a true outcome.