Thinking about getting my first Rectifier, I’m slightly confused.

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man, rectifiers are such a crap shoot. there have been so many revisions over the years, and I'm not talking about the early revisions. There are changes and revisions within both the 3 channel and multi watt models that can make them all sound and feel noticeably different.

Fluff knows more about this than I do, but talking to him, the early 3 channels were less. scooped and fizzy and more mid forward and tight. later ones are the ones that give them a bad rep. When they transitioned into the multi wat, this was still true, but after a couple revisions over the years, mesa brought them back to being a little more "rev f" like, ala tighter and slightly my mid aggressive.

this generally lines up with my experiences. my 3 channel triple is the best sounding 3 channel model I've ever heard,l for my personal tastes, as it's not nearly as scooped and fizzy as some others I've played. same goes for my multi watt. it's a 2018 model, so it's much later in the production years, and it seems tighter and more aggressive than others I've played.

That said, the Rev G seems to be the most consistent throughout the years of production, in my experience, and have very few documented changes after settling in the "rev g"

which model is best to you will be totally subjective. really depends on what you want out of it.
I knew about the revisions on the first gen of 3 channels but they went through revisions on the MWs as well? Is this confirmed and what’s the information on this topic?
It's not a bad idea to start with a more affordable version to see if you like it. The only thing for me at least is I didn't think I was a Recto guy until I tried the orange ch of a Rev F, then I got a D later (solid step forward) and then found the C to be the best. It still may not be for everyone, but if you have at least a semi-decent boost pedal it's hard for me to see how one can't get an amazing sound with one unless you absolutely need Hermansson level tightness or uppermid brightness like a Marshall

There were a few other amps to I crossed off my list until trying the right version like with VH4's, Uberschall's, and SLO's. For me at least it makes a big difference
It's not a bad idea to start with a more affordable version to see if you like it. The only thing for me at least is I didn't think I was a Recto guy until I tried the orange ch of a Rev F, then I got a D later (solid step forward) and then found the C to be the best. It still may not be for everyone, but if you have at least a semi-decent boost pedal it's hard for me to see how one can't get an amazing sound with one unless you absolutely need Hermansson level tightness or uppermid brightness like a Marshall

There were a few other amps to I crossed off my list until trying the right version like with VH4's, Uberschall's, and SLO's. For me at least it makes a big difference
I’ve had a G, F, D and have a C. Killers all, but the C is the King. The earlier the better imo.
That being said any healthy Recto boosted and set up properly should be a killer.
I had a three channel Dual that was as good as or better than a room full of my buddy’s modern amps.
I went ahead and snagged a multi-watt at a decent price. Thanks for the input, gents!
Which one? Dual o r Triple, not that it matters, some like one better than the other but they both have their strengths.
Just sold my rev D. I think the best version a Rev F. IMO

I did not like the Hermansson F I had him do. Sadly.
man, rectifiers are such a crap shoot. there have been so many revisions over the years, and I'm not talking about the early revisions. There are changes and revisions within both the 3 channel and multi watt models that can make them all sound and feel noticeably different.

Fluff knows more about this than I do, but talking to him, the early 3 channels were less. scooped and fizzy and more mid forward and tight. later ones are the ones that give them a bad rep. When they transitioned into the multi wat, this was still true, but after a couple revisions over the years, mesa brought them back to being a little more "rev f" like, ala tighter and slightly my mid aggressive.

this generally lines up with my experiences. my 3 channel triple is the best sounding 3 channel model I've ever heard,l for my personal tastes, as it's not nearly as scooped and fizzy as some others I've played. same goes for my multi watt. it's a 2018 model, so it's much later in the production years, and it seems tighter and more aggressive than others I've played.

That said, the Rev G seems to be the most consistent throughout the years of production, in my experience, and have very few documented changes after settling in the "rev g"

which model is best to you will be totally subjective. really depends on what you want out of it.
Your 2018 might have the str-445 tubes which will effect it just as you described vs the older shuguang 440.

My 2011 Triple is definitely already rev-F voiced. No comparison at all with the original 3-channels.
It's faster, brighter, and especially in orange-modern it has this incredibly snarling midrange that strikes me as a mesa-marshall hybrid on steroids.
Or maybe I just got lucky and snagged a "special" one. It was a custom order on the cosmetics too.
With a boost and an EQ, you can probably negate a lot of the differences of variations. I also agree a basic 2 channel or multiwatt will get you in the ballpark of what a Recto does.
Don't overthink it and don't waste your money, unless you have a lot of time and too much money at hand. It's the perfect case of diminishing return. Get an old two-channel Dual rev G and boost it with a Maxon OD808 if necessary (I like it as it is FWIW). All this talk really is about the last 5% of the tone IMHO.
Just sold my rev D. I think the best version a Rev F. IMO

I did not like the Hermansson F I had him do. Sadly.
The mod makes it an entirely different amp. It’s cool and I dig mine but it’s no longer a recto really. Ground zero mod seems to be the one to keep it recto like, got one coming soon!
I recently picked up a revg 2 channel Dual Rectifier and it's fantastic. If you aren't interested in the collector aspect, you don't need an old one. The new multi watt dual rectifiers (supposedly close to the rev f) are fantastic and with a boost are great at low tuned metal. The used multiwatts are going to be cheaper and in much better condition than a revg and older.
Too much clank. With some pickups I couldn’t dial it out at all. I like the stock F much more and was bummed I used a stock one to be modded sadly
I feel like my hermansson recto is a literally a completely different amp from any stock recto.
Any of them are fine. Just use something from the Tube Screamer family to tighten it up.
No need for a Rev c-g.
They all do the recto thing.
Find the cheapest dual or triple recto I good working condition.
That'll get you the basic nu metal sound.

Anything from there is a slight deviation that can be had with a pedal or 2.