Anyone use one of these FR trems?

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Looking to bring an old guitar back to life and was wondering if anyone has any experience with the FR Non fine tuner trem (kind of FRT1 style).
Germany? Some listings say yes, others say nothing. Nothing on FR website, but price would seem to indicate Asian built. If any of y'all have one equipped how does it feel with palm muting? Yes, I understand the pros/cons vs an OFR and would go with a 1996 if I wanted to go that route. I'm mainly wanting to keep this one simple and comfy. Thanks!

Honestly at that point, they should just have them designed like the old Jackson licensed cheapo trems that string-through the bridge and are held by the ball-ends, except they would be high-quality if they're made in germany OFR.
Those old cheapo Jackson string-through "floyds" at least had fine-tuners.
That's the very first version Floyd; I've never played one without the tuners but Brad Gillis swears by his. Should feel like any other Floyd with regards to palm mutes, give the guitar a little more 'snap' to the tone.
I have one. I believe it is German, although I never checked the packaging to confirm. It's a weighty unit and feels of high quality, well machined. I reckon it's cheaper than a standard Floyd because there are fewer parts involved (no whale tail or fine tuners, and wood screws instead of studs), and maybe the old style screw in bar is cheaper than the standard style.

I opted for the NFT on my dream Strat because to me it serves as an excellent middleground between a 2-point Strat trem and a standard Floyd. It's taller than a Strat trem (feels more like a TOM to my Les Paul-raised hands) and of course locks at the saddle like a Floyd, but there's no whale tail or locking nut to contend with, so it's more comfortable for both hands - no locking nut to slide into, no whale tail to rub against when you're muting - and it's more convenient as well when rigged with locking tuners and a good nut. As I was aiming for a fusion of Jake and Eddie's guitars it was the perfect choice.

So yeah, definitely not a cheapo unit despite the price.
Sweet, thanks everyone for your input. ❤️ Was mainly just inquiring about quality and feel, not so much features. I suppose if Anderson and a few others are using it, it probably is made in Germany. Think I'm gonna go this route. Thanks for y'all's time!
Honestly at that point, they should just have them designed like the old Jackson licensed cheapo trems that string-through the bridge and are held by the ball-ends, except they would be high-quality if they're made in germany OFR.
I have never seen a Jackson FR that was string thru…. any pics? model number?
all I know os the JT6 and schaller jackson amd the cheaper locking jackson FR trems
I have never seen a Jackson FR that was string thru…. any pics? model number?
all I know os the JT6 and schaller jackson amd the cheaper locking jackson FR trems
My friend has a 2000ish cheapo Dinky that has the string-through floating bridge with fine tuners.