Anyone selling Tom Anderson and DiMarzio pickups


Well-known member
Looking to buy a Tom Anderson H3 or H3+ and a DiMarzio Super 3. They will be going into my Ibanez S520, the Anderson in bridge and DiMarzio in the neck!

Let me know what ya got! I've got a couple pickups if you might wanna trade, PM me and we'll talk!
well i have both that you are looking for(h3/super 3).. only problem i havn't used them yet..

but i do have an X2N if you are interested in that. its F spaced.

Hmm, I haven't really heard anything on the X2N, but I'll look into it.

Let me know if you want to let those other pickups go! :D
Oh crap.... what was that place I bought mine from....

nickname09 knows. The H3+ was only like $65 or something ridiculously cheap.
Yeah I'll e-mail the dude at ericsguitar, but I'll give this a bump to see if anyone's got any..