Awesome live AC/DC from '78

Guy is insane. Saw them on Fly on the wall tour 1985. I was a young punk. He freaking brang it. Same this show. Thinks he goes into concert mode. Brings it all. Saw one video he was taking oxygen side stage. Haha
I am hot! And when I'm not, I'm cold as ICE! It's amazing how fkn awesome they sounded live. This was my roots and intro to playing music as a kid. For those about to rock was probably the last album they made before I started moving on towards metal but all those albums that came before are my shit. I still have those on vinyl somewhere.
Sounds great, gotta love that Raw pissed off tone...Do you think we're hearing the JMP's or Does Angus have a plexi hiding behind the JMP's?

Did Marshall offer black grill cloths for the speaker cabs in 1978? Not to my knowledge, that started with the JCM800 models as far as I am aware.

Unless Jim Marshall made them special for AC/DC or they painted them.
@ Techdeth... Marshall never stopped making 1959 Superleads... when the JMP master volume amps came out they were just added to the lineup. They made 1959's well into the JCM800 lines.

I never knew this about the UK Marshall cab grillcoths and I even have the Big Book of Marshall. Learn something new every day........:yes:

I guess in the UK Marshall cabs were the black cane grills I found this out there in the aether....

Salt and pepper basket weave was there from 1968-1970, 1971-1975 was large checkerboard, 1976 to 1979 was small check for USA models, black face for UK and from 1980 all were black face. Give or take a year at each stage.

Also, the brown cloth seen in early 80's is faded black, there were no brown grilles used at that time apart from club and country combos which were also covered in chocolate tolex if I recall. It did fade almost instantly so you have guys who say it was brown when they bought it, but definitely faded black.

Yes, uk cabs are black from about 76/77 or so.
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Stock JMP into G12-65 cabs i guess. Had a '77 50 watt for a while and it can cover this tone easly, but not much more.
"AC/DC goes to College" video's are epic. Thats the band period i will always remember.
Was a good time to be alive.
There's something appealing about watching 2 guys carry the show while the rest of the band sort holds down the fort musically. You mainly just watch Bon and Angus. Same with Zeppelin...Page/Plant carrying the show with JPJ/Bonham behind (and almost always with eye contact).

I was lucky enough to see them with Bon and then Brian just a few years later (the '85 tour with Yngwie opening). Both were some of the best shows 've ever been to.
I tried the Angus bob (or whatever you'd call it) way back when and my knee started hurting after just a couple of songs. How he did that non-stop for 40 years is beyond me.