Best home defense weapon - no gun


Well-known member
I got a big ass thing of pepper spray. Well it's not that big, but maybe like 1/4 the size of mosquito repellant, but much bigger than the purse carry size.
It's about 5 years old. 2 years ago I was curious if it still worked, to a little, and I mean "Little" toot into the toilet upstairs. "Yep, still works."

Went downstairs and about 5 minutes later wife is like "WTF" and we were all gagging. Opened the windows, but the cats in the basement and left for 2 hours, LOL.
Shit is strong as fuck eh? I can't imagine getting sprayed in the face.

I have a huge rambo knife as well. I also have a security system and cameras outside my house, some are mock cameras with a blinking LED. So I think there's enough deterrent, save for some tweaker to come by. I have night lock door guards on all entrance doors also.

So besides all that, what else do you psychopaths recommend? Dog is out of the equation also. I don't have the bandwidth to walk a dog. Wish I could have a shotgun, but I got bad PTSD and sometimes with loud sudden noises, my behavior can be unpredictable and that scares me.
Of course I live in MA, so if someone breaks into my home, anything short of offering them Waffles at 3am will end up with me in Jail.
I have a lot of ideas. Not going to go into them. Multi-level security plan is the way though.

One thing for certain. You want to hear someone breaking in long before they get in.

Having been maced a couple times, once while driving, I can tell you it sucks, but it’s not a show stopper by any stretch of the imagination.
I got a big ass thing of pepper spray. Well it's not that big, but maybe like 1/4 the size of mosquito repellant, but much bigger than the purse carry size.
It's about 5 years old. 2 years ago I was curious if it still worked, to a little, and I mean "Little" toot into the toilet upstairs. "Yep, still works."

Went downstairs and about 5 minutes later wife is like "WTF" and we were all gagging. Opened the windows, but the cats in the basement and left for 2 hours, LOL.
Shit is strong as fuck eh? I can't imagine getting sprayed in the face.

I have a huge rambo knife as well. I also have a security system and cameras outside my house, some are mock cameras with a blinking LED. So I think there's enough deterrent, save for some tweaker to come by. I have night lock door guards on all entrance doors also.

So besides all that, what else do you psychopaths recommend? Dog is out of the equation also. I don't have the bandwidth to walk a dog. Wish I could have a shotgun, but I got bad PTSD and sometimes with loud sudden noises, my behavior can be unpredictable and that scares me.
Of course I live in MA, so if someone breaks into my home, anything short of offering them Waffles at 3am will end up with me in Jail.
I have some expertise in this field. Not's a fact. All depends on your goals and realistic needs. Gimme a shout if you want to talk shop.
mace and cs does not bother me that much. Been exposed to it a lot. OC...that's another story. We used top cop brand and it is fucking brutal. I have seen some guys completely resistant to it. They were not resistant to the bottle being smashed on their fucking heads though. Just sayin...
mace and cs does not bother me that much. Been exposed to it a lot. OC...that's another story. We used top cop brand and it is fucking brutal. I have seen some guys completely resistant to it. They were not resistant to the bottle being smashed on their fucking heads though. Just sayin...
LOL @ smashed on the head comment.

I was thinking like a compressed bottle of ammonia or something to that effect.
We had a fight in the chow hall and hosed the dummies down. We had to clear the chow hall for a little bit. Huge chow hall also. That shit went from one end to the other. It was like getting face fucked with a ghost pepper.....dragging those fuckos out leaving snail trails from snot pouring out of times...breakfast was always the best when that happened....
Yeah makes sense. How about a portable sand blaster. Sand in the eyes can't be fun.
Honestly Bill....get a shotgun and teach your family how to use it. Study your local laws also and prepare yourself for what ifs. As they say-better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. Non lethals are useless against someone on certain substances. Then what if it's more than one? Usually perps do not care about the law(only good citizens follow laws) and will probably be armed. If they are doing a home invasion they do not care about violating local gun laws. Do not depend on the police to show up like the cavalry...that's a myth. Best thing you can do is do stuff that will give you an early warning and buy you time. Most of the time that is about the only thing a dog is good for. I have had a couple that would eat the ass off of someone coming in uninvited-but that's a huge liability unto itself.
couple passive things that can buy you time and are effective are door armour and security film for glass. They won't stop someone but will slow them the fuck down to give you time to do what you need to do. Get contingency plans together and practice as a family. eg-while your responding to some dude trying to kick your door in the wife knows to be calling the police...etc. Dogs are a great early warning as well. Also security signs and beware of dog signs are a deterrent. Motion activated wireless lights and cameras..especially the ring versions are excellent.
I'm in Mass as well, it sucks to be a law abiding citizen in the communist nut house
but I shoot USPSA, everyone in my family has their CCW, we all have pepper spray on our key chains , all have hand to hand training
(I am a brown belt , the girls are both green), I dread the day I ever do have to defend my home but like Jack stated above
"better judged by 12 than carried by 6." My attorney is a shooting buddy so at least I have someone on my side when they come for me.
I've got motion sensors in every room in the lower floors, if someone breaks in we'll know immediately and they'll think they broke into a house
in a red neck state when the see what is pointed at them :) rule”: retreat,believes that the intruder is

you guys seem ok on paper to defend yourselves in masshole land. None of these doctrines give you the right to kill indiscriminately, but actual home defense in the face of a credible threat? Your g2g.... This is also why you need to study how to respond after the fact when the questions start coming hard and fast....I was in fear of my life....I was in fear of my life...I was in fear for my families lives...etc.....
Now in WV you can also fire on the police if they do not announce themselves. Yeah I know-sounds crazy. A no knock warrant in the middle of the night without yelling "POLICE!" you can fire on them. Now your fucking dead if this happens or going to jail for life because you know how these things go....BUT...if you have audio and video to corroborate this then your g2g. Sounds crazy but it's true.
couple passive things that can buy you time and are effective are door armour and security film for glass. They won't stop someone but will slow them the fuck down to give you time to do what you need to do. Get contingency plans together and practice as a family. eg-while your responding to some dude trying to kick your door in the wife knows to be calling the police...etc. Dogs are a great early warning as well. Also security signs and beware of dog signs are a deterrent. Motion activated wireless lights and cameras..especially the ring versions are excellent. armour&nb_ti=kwd-316633292615&nb_mi=&nb_pc=&nb_pi=&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=p&tw_source=google&tw_adid=618914583538&tw_campaign=18097904307&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwl4yyBhAgEiwADSEjeH3ZtmFHQP1kw1y7Ae6hi_q_e45lMxiu4RNzOZlpaMuNgnN8dG4j0hoCsvwQAvD_BwE
I smell what you're steppin in dog. I have lights that come on after dark, ring doorbells, I got these in the doors. Not gonna prevent someone from bashing down the door, but I'll hear it. Gonna get a big smith and wesson sticker for the door too :D
