Bishop viciously stabbed during service in Sydney just days after mall massacre

She said it was unclear if the attacks were connected.

Wrong. No way are they connected. The dude in the mall incident was diagnosed with mental illness 23 years ago, was 40 years old and from a different state. The fella in last night's incident was in his mid-teens, known to police as presenting a terrorism risk and was straight out of central casting.

Not saying a connection isn't possible, just that it's 99.99% unlikely.
The bishop has no restrictions in distance for each move, but is limited to diagonal movement only.

This leaves him wide open to head-on frontal attack.

Should never have allowed them in. I've said it my whole life. Blind Freddie could have seen the problems they were going to cause. They are an incompatible culture.
And as incompatible as cultures get: “if you’re not like me you deserve to die”
I have no idea what Australia’s immigration policy is but being that close to Muslim countries, it should be stringent.
I’m wondering how far the “poor Palestine” movement will go here in the US before it becomes (more) violent.