Custom pedalboard builders/options


Active member
So looking to finish off my live setup... itll require a few new purchases of some pedals, a new wireless, and ultimately a pedalboard to mount everything.

I play mostly 50-200 person clubs in a cover band 35-60 times a year locally... My rig will consist of:

Line 6 Helix direct to board

Wireless unit - looking at the options, have a Sennheiser Ew172, that has been rock solid but needs to be replaced. Still debating some of the pedal version wireless, but I'm spoiled with my Sennheiser and do not want to give up consistent kick ass performance. I've never had a drop out or battery issues in the 10+ years I've had this thing.

Mxr talkbox pedal - need to purchase, but it fills a void that I dont find is filled with the automated versions well.

Digitech Drop - will only be used for Eb tuning changes, allowingnme to stay with a consistent guitar all night. I can program it in a loop on each songs preset, and any artifacts will be lost in a live setting and most the crowd wont care. I did this with the Fractals Ultra back in the day and the Drops algorithms are better done than those were. Less gear more consistency = win/win

Digitech Freqout - this will be paired up with the Drop as an E guitar will not feedback when shifted down to Eb... so this will help alleviate this issue

MIssion Engineering expression controller (Line 6 version) - not needed as I really only use one for wah and the onboard is great for that. But as soon as i make a pedalboard setup, I'll have a need for a 2nd one and then not have the room... I'll pay for thinking ahead.

Powered wedge- not really part of my guitar signal rig, but will incorporate this into my rig power wise.

So... I'd like a board that gets me into the 25" width x 19"deep realm. Exact measurements may vary once I get the actual pedals and set it up neatly with cables. I'd want to power ever yuh thing with the board. Helix and pedals would power underneath permanently and I just run an extension cable to the side, and my powered monitor wedge could plug into the board as well to tap that power source.

So what are some custom builders I can look at without breaking the bank. I've had a Puma custom board in the past, but he has been out of the game for awhile...
I may be getting rid of my trailer trash board & hard case... I'd have to get measurements if you're interested