How Often Do You Bros Change Strings ?

I rotate my guitars every month or two, grabbing a different one or two to leave out, restring, and play for a month or two before grabbing a different one or two to leave out.

All-in-all I like a new set once I get around a dozen or so hours of actual playtime. After 10-12hrs playtime they start sounding a bit dull to me.

I use regular non-coated EB mostly, but Boomers and XL are about the same hours for me. I really like keeping newer strings on as it makes every guitar and amp more pleasing to play IMO.
When I was playing 3-4 hours a day, I’d typically get a week or two out of a set of strings. Now it’s more like a month, just depends how much my hands sweat while I’m playing. That shit kills strings for me.
ha, i was just gonna ask this same question the other day. im in the same camp with dave, i basically play them till they just dont stay in tune anymore or one of them breaks. dull as fuck, though ive seen tests where theres really not much difference tone wise through an amp when they are dull compared to new
i dont even like that new string feel, i get weird squeaks and its just not really a feeling i really find pleasant in anyway. its like that old ass pair of shoes that looks beat to shit and the soles are worn out but they are just so comfortable so fuck it
Depends. When they start to sound flat or break. But I usually try and wash my hands if they’re dirty before playing.
When I do change them I clean fretboard and lightly condition fretboard. Silky smooth easy bends. The difference is like playing on a bare wood neck vs a finished neck.

Or you can just use a spritz of WD40 on your fretting hand 😂 you’ve all played that floor model at guitar center. 😉
You're supposed to change strings?

Next thing you'll be telling me is I have to change my underwear
Juststrings bulk singles are just like EB Slinky packed in sleeves of 12 for each gauge size.
I use a couple custom sets made up of these. One is for my maple Carvin (25"scale) at D-standard. (10.5,14,20w,,,30,40,50)
The other is for a couple C# standard 25.5" on which I use 10.5,14,20w,,30,40,52. So both sets are the same gauges except for the 6th string.
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Most of my guitars have either Turbo Slinky (9.5-46) at Eb,,,,,,,or Ultra Slinky (10-48) at D.
Newer strings have a little more midrange content to go along with more rasp. IMO they sound best after a couple hours up to maybe 5-6 hrs, then they still sound fine for awhile but slowly start to dull. Obviously it would depend much on the player's style/touch too, not to mention care/storage/cleanliness.