Mesa 4x12 Traditional Plywood Thickness?


Well-known member
I am planing my DIY project and this time I am thinking of a 4x12 Mesa Traditional speced cab.
My question is, does anybody know what thickness the plywood in these cabs is? I have an 4x12 OS cab which is build of 5/8" plywood side walls and backplate. This is contrary to the 3/4" most people are thinking Mesa builds the recto OS cabs. AFAIK Mesa states on their page, that they use 3/4" ply for some smaller cabs.

So the question is, is 5/8 also used for the Traditional cabs?
If someone has a Traditional cab, this could be easy determined by measuring the thickness of the side- or topwall in front of the cab. It should be basically two times the thickness of what is used overall for the cab built.

I remember reading it was 5/8 on their site? I don't think their cabs are any thicker than Marshalls, just made out of better plywood, and better put together. But let me look into that.
I found this post I made a while ago. It's from the old site. But since Gibson took over, it's no longer on the site:
That's for the Recto cab, though. But I don't think the Traditional's construction would be different. I mean, it's after all, traditional.
Thanks, that helps. Only thing is that someone mentions in the post, that the back panel is of 18mm = 3/4 plywood but I measured 5/8
its euro ply so its not going to measure 5/8 or 3/4 its 18mm.
You either have the option for 15mm (approx 5/8) or 18mm (approx 3/4). I am measuring 15mm on my back panel but the guy in the post mentions 18mm. So the question remains, if Mesa changed something over time?

The Trad is listed as weighting around 10lbs less than an Orange 4x12 (which are 18mm).

So that might be an indication that it's thinner ply?

It is 5 pounds heavier than a Marshall 1960V, but that could very well be the bracing that Marshalls don't have and the higher quality/denser plywood.

So they're either using really light 18mm, or they're using heavier 15mm than Marshall. I'd bet more on the second.
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